3 warning signs of inflammatory kidney disease, not to develop into kidney failure you are new

Kidney disease is now very common, causing bad health consequences. These are signs of kidney inflammation that require early treatment, avoiding progression to kidney failure, danger and difficult treatment.

Renal inflammation should be thoroughly treated to prevent progression to renal failure

Kidney disease is considered one of the most common diseases at present with a relatively high incidence and increasing signs of rejuvenation.

Many people think that nephritis is a terrible thing, they worry that kidney failure will occur immediately after kidney inflammation. There are also people who do not respect the signs of nephritis, long time leading to kidney failure at all times.

But in fact, as long as early detection of nephritis symptoms, prognosis of basic treatment is good. When you have kidney inflammation, your body will have clear symptoms. When you find yourself having these symptoms, you should go to the hospital to diagnose and catch the best time to treat.

Picture 1 of 3 warning signs of inflammatory kidney disease, not to develop into kidney failure you are new

According to the doctors on the family doctor channel (China), here are 3 manifestations of nephritis, each person should keep in mind to soon monitor their health status in the best way.

1. Renal dysfunction, edema, water retention

In general, the onset of nephritis is relatively slow. When the condition develops to a certain extent, the patient's kidney function will be reduced, electrolytes may be disordered, and anemia may occur.

In addition, patients with chronic nephritis will be accompanied by proteinuria, edema and high blood pressure. Some patients with chronic nephritis are also associated with severe hypertension or nephrotic syndrome, kidney failure.

2. Minor urinary incontinence (urinary incontinence with little urine, thin urine)

When kidney disease occurs, the patient may have edema or oliguria, the color of the urine will be deeper, the daily urine will not reach 400 ml, and some serious patients will have hematuria. Acute kidney failure can lead to nausea, general weakness and loss of appetite. In addition, most patients have foam in their urine, and the more bubbles, the more protein they lose.

3. Swelling of the body

Edema due to nephritis is often manifested in the eyelids, scrotum and face, then slowly develops into progressive lower limb edema.

In severe cases, systemic edema will occur. When patients with strep infections such as influenza, sinusitis or pharyngitis are cured, a 3-week urine test can often detect the symptoms of kidney inflammation early.

Treatment of nephritis

1. Treatment against infection and edema

Acute nephritis should be treated by fighting an infection when an infection is present, and there is no need to use an anti-infection solution if there is no infection. Mildly nephritis requires no treatment and may disappear after rest and salt restriction.

If you have obvious edema, you need to choose diuretic treatment according to your doctor's instructions.

Picture 2 of 3 warning signs of inflammatory kidney disease, not to develop into kidney failure you are new

2. Rest in bed, make a good diet

Patients with acute nephritis should rest in bed, which may help reduce edema. When edema or blood pressure is relieved, you can take 30 minutes a day to moderate exercise, such as walking or tai chi, gentle exercise at home, avoiding heavy exercise that requires a lot of energy. .

The amount of water should be determined based on the level of hypertension, the amount of urine and edema of the patient. Patients with severe hypertension and edema should take a low-salt or salt-free diet.

Diet should have high sugar content and low protein, continue to favor diuretic solution, then can continue normal diet after symptoms relieve.

3. High pressure treatment, heart failure

Renal inflammation with hypertension should be treated regularly for hypertension.

Patients with heart failure kidney disease have high blood volume problems in the early stages, and mainly eliminate water and sodium retention during treatment, which can reduce blood volume.

Once you find out that you have symptoms of kidney inflammation, you should go to the hospital for proper examination and treatment, avoid delays and limit the intake of water and salt so as not to make the condition worse. more important.

  1. Acute glomerulonephritis: Symptoms, causes and prevention
  2. Kidney Disease - Kidney disease