5 things people with diabetes must remember in the summer

Summer is a time of unhealthy health for people with diabetes. Therefore, in the summer, people with diabetes need to remember the following.

1. Drink more water

The body lacks water can cause more serious dehydration in the summer, with people with diabetes at greater risk because their blood sugar is high. If this happens, it will lead to gastroenteritis . So people with diabetes should remember to drink 1.5-2 liters of water during the day.

2. Do not drink soft drinks

Picture 1 of 5 things people with diabetes must remember in the summer
Drinking fresh water is not good for people with diabetes, it can make the condition worse.

It is also not good for people with diabetes to drink continuously cold or fresh water to prevent thirst. The reason is that they can cause colds, sore throat for poor immune people, especially more serious for people with bronchitis.

Drugs containing steroids to treat this disease are not suitable for people with diabetes. You should also cut down on alcohol and tobacco.

3. Regularly stay indoors

It is best for diabetics to stay indoors from 11 am to 3 pm, especially people with skin allergies. Small skin infections or allergies caused by intense sunlight are common, so if you go out you need to wear long clothes, carrying umbrellas, hats.

4. Regular eye examination

Most people with diabetes also have symptoms such as diabetic retinopathy or glaucoma. Patients are prone to seasonal infections such as conjunctivitis. Therefore in the summer, diabetics need to schedule regular eye exams.

5. Control blood sugar

Whatever season, blood sugar control is always important for people with diabetes. People who need to use an insulin pump should also pay more attention because they often do not bring their devices with them and let them be hot outside, so the machine is very perishable, causing high blood sugar.