56 jars in the tomb of the prime minister of Egypt contain great secrets

Archaeologists of Egypt were surprised to find the tomb of an ancient Egyptian prime minister, but the contents of this tomb made them "heart attack" more.

Host Tony Robinson was in Deir el-Bahari near the Egyptian city of Luzor to film the new documentary of Channel 5 "Discovering the Great Tomb of Egypt".

Picture 1 of 56 jars in the tomb of the prime minister of Egypt contain great secrets
Host Tony Robinson visits the tomb of the ancient Egyptian prime minister.

He visited a tomb buried under rocks that archaeologists identified as belonging to one of the highest officials who had served the twelfth pharaoh. Robinson revealed how archaeologists discovered the remains of Prime Minister Ipi inside 56 separate jars.

Picture 2 of 56 jars in the tomb of the prime minister of Egypt contain great secrets
The team found 56 jars in the tomb of Prime Minister Ipi.

"Because we may not be able to find his mummy, the story of Ipi is far from over," commented host Robinson.

In fact, archeologists have made the most terrible discoveries in the tomb of Prime Minister Ipi.

There are 56 jars containing all the waste from the body of the Prime Minister Ipi during the mummification. Those were fabrics, fluids and blood when people mummified the Prime Minister.

Picture 3 of 56 jars in the tomb of the prime minister of Egypt contain great secrets
The contents of the 56 jars shocked archaeologists.

"Nothing that has been stained with the liquid from Ipi's body has been thrown away. The ice has been stained with blood and mummified materials kept in these jars and kept outside the tomb - until now." Mr. Robinson said.

However, recent discoveries have really stunned archaeologists. They found the heart of the ancient Chancellor in a jar.

Picture 4 of 56 jars in the tomb of the prime minister of Egypt contain great secrets
A close-up of the heart is thought to belong to the Prime Minister Ipi.

"These are some of the things that have been discovered in large jars. That's the bandage wrapped around Ipi's mummy. And this is Ipi's blood - it's really like a horror movie right? However, the most surprising thing is the heart of Ipi, " the host commented.