8 signs of appendicitis pain

Signs of appendicitis may be confused with other signs of gastrointestinal disease. Therefore, if not understood, the appendix may burst and the inflammation will quickly spread to other parts of the digestive system.

Things to know about appendicitis

  1. Learn about the appendix
  2. Signs of appendicitis pain
    1. 1. Severe abdominal pain
    2. 2. Nausea and vomiting
    3. 3. Constipation or diarrhea
    4. 4. Abdominal distention
    5. 5. Fever
    6. 6. Anorexia
    7. 7. Back pain
    8. 8. Stomach cramps
  3. When to see a doctor?

Learn about the appendix

The appendix (Appendix) is a part of the digestive tract, located at the base of the cecum, near the junction of the small intestine (Ileum) and the large intestine (Cecum). It is a thin tube about 2-4 inches long (about 5-10 cm). Normally, the appendix is ​​located in the lower right abdomen, but many times it is in other nearby locations, even in the middle and left abdomen.

The role of the appendix: The true function of the appendix remains controversial. One theory is that the appendix acts as a storehouse of beneficial bacteria, which helps to restore the digestive system after episodes of gastrointestinal infection. Another theory is that the appendix is ​​just a remnant of the digestive tract during human evolution.

Signs of appendicitis pain

1. Severe abdominal pain

The onset of severe abdominal pain is one of the first signs of appendicitis. This symptom is caused by inflammation and increased pressure on the appendix.

The location of appendicitis usually is located in the lower right abdomen. However, in many cases, the patient may also experience pain near the navel or lower back.

Sneezing, moving your legs or abdomen can make your condition worse.

2. Nausea and vomiting

Besides, feeling nauseous and sudden vomiting can also be a sign of appendicitis pain.

This phenomenon is reported in 90% of appendicitis cases and often comes after severe abdominal pain in patients.

If this happens over and over again, you need to see a doctor right away to make sure you have appendicitis.

Picture 1 of 8 signs of appendicitis pain
Sudden vomiting can also be a warning sign of appendicitis.

3. Constipation or diarrhea

In patients with appendicitis, there are people with severe constipation but also people with constant diarrhea. This symptom is often accompanied by abdominal distention.

4. Abdominal distention

Due to the inflammatory response in tissues and the accumulation of gas in the lumen of the intestine, people with appendicitis often have abdominal distention with a very uncomfortable feeling of flatulence.

5. Fever

Along with abdominal pain, patients also have a fever (though not too high) accompanied by shaking. Therefore, if you have lower right abdominal pain with fever, it is best to see a doctor right away to avoid finding the disease too late to be life-threatening.

6. Anorexia

When appendicitis is present, patients may suddenly experience anorexia, although normally they enjoy a good appetite.

Inflammation in the appendix affects the digestive function of the body. In many cases, appendicitis can inhibit the production of the hunger hormone, causing the patient to lose appetite and appetite.

However, this condition needs to be assessed in the presence of other symptoms to make an accurate diagnosis.

7. Back pain

Back pain is a sign that helps diagnose appendicitis correctly.

The doctor examines by pressing on the lower right abdomen of the patient. If you have appendicitis, you will feel a sharp pain at the site and when the pressure is gone, the intensity of the pain is more intense.

Is your body showing any of the symptoms mentioned above? If so, see your doctor right away to make sure you have appendicitis.

Always remember, the earlier the disease is discovered, the better the chance of successful treatment.

8. Stomach cramps

Appendicitis pain can be identified by having abdominal cramps. Increasing abdominal pain leads to the risk of patients with large intestinal rupture resulting from spasticity. This is one of the common signs of appendicitis pain.

When to see a doctor?

The signs above can be easily confused with digestive disorders or poisoning. However, it is important to distinguish the difference between appendicitis and intoxication in that the abdomen is dull and increasing, while poisoning or pain from digestive disorders will be cramping immediately. Besides, when poisoning, these signs often appear at the same time, while signs of appendicitis pain will appear in turn, from mild to severe.

Appendicitis pain is really dangerous because if not detected early and treated promptly can cause bowel rupture, even leading to death. Therefore, it is best to see the first signs, you should go to the doctor immediately, do not let yourself experience severe symptoms such as fever or abdominal wall.

  1. The doctor operated himself in the middle of Antarctica, making the world admired
  2. Appendicitis does not necessarily require surgery