A colorful meal helps prevent cancer

Natural color foods like beans, vegetables, pineapples, carrots, tomatoes . contain active ingredients that protect cells from cancer attack.

In the book "What Color is Your Diet?" Nutrition expert David Heber said the diet is colorful, nutritional content can protect cells from cancer attacks, reduce the risk of disease.

Pharmacist Le Kim Phung, a former lecturer at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City, said that according to traditional medicine, the human body has five elements: wood, fire, earth, metal and water, the food is also equal to the five. colors: blue, red, yellow, white, black.Foods with different natural colors will contain the essential nutrients that bring many benefits to human health .

Picture 1 of A colorful meal helps prevent cancer
The natural color of food provides many vitamins and minerals that nourish the body and fight disease.(Photo: SB).

Green food

Fruits and vegetables contain a high level of phytochemicals such as lutein and indole. Many calcium and iron broccoli protect teeth, bones, muscles and reduce the risk of cancer. Spinach, contains antioxidants and vitamin K, helps strengthen bones. Green kiwifruit is rich in folate, vitamin E and glutathione that reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many other green foods like avocado, green apple, green grape, green bean, cucumber, green onion, peas .

Red food

Contains many phytochemical compounds such as carotene, lycopene and anthocyanin. These compounds help improve memory, support blood circulation. People who ate a lot of carotenoid-containing vegetables reduced 43% of the incidence of macular degeneration - the risk of blindness in old age and a 36% reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. Natural red fruits include tomatoes, cherries, strawberries, watermelons, pink grapefruit, red beans, red apples, red grapes, red pears .

Yellow food

Contains nutrients that protect skin, eyes, enhance digestive health and brain. Many yeast pineapple bromelain supports digestion, neutralization of body fluids; vitamin C for heart disease, stroke, cancer. Berries are rich in vitamin C and calcium, boosting the immune system, bone health and preventing muscle spasms. There are also yellow corn, golden apples, passion fruit, yellow pears, yellow watermelon, yellow tomatoes and yellow squash.

White food

White mushrooms and fruits contain nutrients that help reduce cholesterol, blood pressure, boost immunity, lymphatic system and restore cell deterioration. Garlic, shallots and onions with a rich taste of quercetin are strong antibiotic doses that protect and prevent tumor formation. A few other white foods such as ginger, radish, white corn, shallots, potatoes, abalone mushrooms, chicken thighs, mushrooms, kohlrabi .

Purple or black food

Purple and black foods contain many antioxidants, fiber, vitamin C, calcium, and phosphorus. These substances increase blood circulation of the circulatory system, promote bone health, brain activity, improve memory and reduce the risk of cancer. Some foods such as eggplant, black grapes, blueberries, purple figs, purple grapes, purple cabbage, black bean purple sweet potatoes .

Orange food

Orange or yellow indicates that fruits and vegetables contain very good vitamin C to protect the cells in the human body. It also contains betacryptoxanthin, one of the many components of carotenoids. This is a nutrient that can be derived from oranges, and nectar.

Eating orange food supports the health of the skin and eyes, increases immunity and reduces the risk of cancer. Foods include carrots, oranges, sweet potatoes, melons, mangoes, nectarines, papayas, roses, tangerines, pumpkins .