A new dog appears on YouTube and the Easter Egg is coming up and this is how to find it!

The members on Reddit recently discovered an extremely interesting thing on Youtube. This video platform hid a dog into videos that users didn't know.

Don't believe it! Please follow this guide to find it. First, select any video but a bit long, then rewind to the middle or near the end of the video timeline. Hold down the left arrow key (or left navigation key on the game handle) for 10 - 15 seconds.

A brown dog will appear and go from left to right through the timeline of the video. So you successfully summoned Easter Egg, the dog of YouTube.

Picture 1 of A new dog appears on YouTube and the Easter Egg is coming up and this is how to find it!
This Easter Egg does not work on Youtube web version.

However, this Easter Egg does not work on YouTube web copies. You can only summon Easter Egg, on YouTube TV, PlayStation 4, Xbox One or Switch.

That is, you must visit Youtube.com/TV (you can skip the login) and follow the instructions above.

But, please persevere to do it a few times, not to make instant food.

Picture 2 of A new dog appears on YouTube and the Easter Egg is coming up and this is how to find it!