Additional benefits of listening to Mozart music

US researchers believe that listening to Mozart music while performing colonoscopy can help doctors detect precancerous polyps more quickly, according to Top News.

Research by Dr. Catherine Noelle O'Shea and medical doctor David Wolf at the Health Science Center, University of Texas at Houston (USA), shows that the rate of adenoma detection increases when music is made. Comes compared to when there is no music.

Adenomas are a type of colon polyps that are considered a precursor to invasive colorectal cancer (CRC).

Picture 1 of Additional benefits of listening to Mozart music
Diagnosis of rectal cancer may be more effective thanks to Mozart music

When detected early, the doctor can remove polyps during a colonoscopy, thereby preventing the development of colorectal cancer.

In this trial, two doctors with experience of completing at least 1,000 endoscopic cases performed random endoscopy, with music - works of genius composer Mozart - or without sound. music.

The rate of detecting adenomas from this study is then recorded and compared with the standard rate.

'Both endocrinologists have a higher rate of detecting adenoma when listening to music than their standard detection rate, ' said Dr. O'Shea, the lead researcher.

'The incidence of adenoma is related to a reduction in the incidence of colorectal cancer, so it is an important quality indicator for colonoscopy. Anything we can do to increase this ratio has the potential to save lives. Although this is only a small study, its results show that thinking is beyond the limit - in this case, Mozart music - to improve the rate of detecting potentially valuable adenomas for him. doctor and patient ' , he stressed.

Previously, researchers at Tel Aviv University (Israel) discovered the music of Mozart for premature babies to help them gain weight. What's interesting is that Beethoven and Bach's music doesn't work that way, according to the Telegraph.