After thousands of years, people have successfully reinvented the scissors

Although it has appeared in human life since thousands of years ago, until now the new scissors have been "reborn" with a completely different appearance.

Scissors are hand tools for cutting objects. It consists of a sharp pair of metal rotating around a fixed axis. The principle of operation of basic scissors is based on the principle of leverage, similar to pliers. In addition, there are a number of compact scissors that do not use two half-blade fixed rivets that take advantage of metal elasticity.

Picture 1 of After thousands of years, people have successfully reinvented the scissors
Scissors are hand tools for cutting objects.

Scissors are used to cut off various materials, such as paper, cardboard, metal foil, thin plastic, fabric, rope and wire. Scissors are also used for hair cutting, food or surgery.

If you do not know, the ancient Egyptians invented an item similar to the scissors in 1500 BC. There may be a connection at the bottom between the two flat scissors. The modern scissors were invented by an Englishman named Robert Hinchliffe in 1761.

It can be said that the scissors that we use today have gone through a very big finishing process but only that seems not enough to meet the increasing demands of people, above all, convenience. use.

Picture 2 of After thousands of years, people have successfully reinvented the scissors
Smart scissors named Right Shears by Shane Vermette.

That is the direction that a technology start-up named Shane Vermette has followed and wants to change things that seem to be the pinnacle of human invention.

The smart scissors called Right Shears by Shane Vermette have a grip angle of up to 90 degrees. This design helps the handler not to encounter entangled condition when cutting anything. Interestingly, a scissors can replace the entire paper cutting tool today with extremely high usability.

According to the creator of the scissors design idea, Vermette said the birth of Right Shear was originally aimed at solving a problem he often faced. In one attempt to cut the metal mesh to make the cover of the vent, Vermette and his stepfather came up with the idea of ​​scissors.

Picture 3 of After thousands of years, people have successfully reinvented the scissors
Right Shears may be useful for people with arthritis.

Vermette also said, he received many messages expressing interest from customers. Many people believe that Right Shears may be useful for people with arthritis.

"I get messages from some interested people to Right Shear because they have a father who has arthritis and fibromyalgia so it's hard to use regular scissors. I hope Right Shears can help for them, " Vermette said.

However, the original Right Shears will only be for right-handed people. Vermette also hopes to develop another version for left-handed people soon.

The scissors "super sweet" cut cover of the scissors improved Right Shears.

Paper cut with Right Shears is now very simple.

Unfortunately, Vermette has not decided on the selling price, production time or sale of this product. However Vermette said she is working with manufacturers and plans to raise funds for product production in the near future.