Amazing facts that you can only see under X-ray lenses

X-ray brings a really different perspective, and you will see that everything is not the same as you imagine.

Human X-ray technology can be said to be a huge step forward, allowing doctors to observe what's going on in the human body without having to puncture everything.

But what if using this technology to scan everyday things? Believe me, you will realize that everything is not the same as you are imagining.

1. Inside the nail of a horse

Picture 1 of Amazing facts that you can only see under X-ray lenses

Rest assured, not all horse's nails are like that. This is a foundation dedicated to horses taking part in beautiful walking . competitions. They were like a multi-layer shoe, fixed on the foundation to make the horse stand tall and walk more gracefully.

Such competitions were very popular among the nobility in the 20th century. However, it is now considered cruel, and banned from organizing in many countries.

2. What happens when we talk?

Perhaps few people can imagine talking, pronunciation is a very complicated process. To pronounce a word, you will have to use a combination of 72 muscles in the mouth, throat, chest and around the lips. The process is shown in the picture above.

3. True high heels

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Beautiful high heels are beautiful, but health impacts cannot be underestimated. According to a study by the UK National Institutes of Health, the use of high-heeled shoes regularly can cause deformed feet, causing damage to muscles and ligaments, compression of nerves, and even photo Enjoy the psychology of users.

Looking at the picture, you can see just how terrible the upper part of the foot is.

4. The complexity of playing the violin

Violin - or violin is a discipline that has been shown to have many benefits for brain development. Einstein's genius was a proof, when he was able to play the violin fluently from 6 years old. Sherlock Holmes - fictional character in Conan Doyle's novel also has a hobby of playing violin at his leisure.

5. Kiss under X-rays - just afraid you don't want to kiss anymore

The long kiss of the world record is recorded as . more than 58 hours, made by Thai couple Ekkachai and Laksana Tiranarat in 2013. More precisely, the kiss lasted 58h 35 minutes 58 seconds - a record has not yet been demolished.

6. Fish . spitting fire

The fish in the picture belongs to the cardinal fish. The reason it makes those "to life" spells comes from their diet is zooplankton.

Basically, the ephemeral species that enter the stomach of this fish can secrete some special chemicals, making the fish itself glow. That light will attract the enemy, so when the fish realizes that they have swallowed something that should not be swallowed, it will spit out. Under the X-ray lens, it looks very much like a fish spitting fire.

7. Dogs drink water

Perhaps many people do not know the dog has a very special way of drinking water. Unlike normal species, dogs will bend their tongues, forming a small spoon, "scoop" each piece of water into their mouths.

This is a trait unique to dogs. Cats and similar creatures do not have this behavior.

8. What about people drinking water?

Swallowing is a process created by motility from muscles. And also because it is peristaltic, we can swallow food even in a gravityless environment.

9. When a cat is pregnant

Picture 3 of Amazing facts that you can only see under X-ray lenses

In the picture is the time when Grace is pregnant. According to the information recorded, currently, Grace gave birth to 5 pretty kids like their mother.

Current science has not been able to determine the maximum number of children a mother cat can carry each time she gives birth, but there have been cases of birth to 12 kittens.

10. And this is a pregnant turtle

Picture 4 of Amazing facts that you can only see under X-ray lenses