Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning. Why so?

Why should it be the next morning and not right at the gym? It turned out that the answer was so interesting!

Surely we all have "experienced" this! Just the day before going to the gym, or doing any heavy work, it was just like waking up early in the morning and suffering from an unspeakable pain, unable to move.

Picture 1 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
Just started a day and .

But have you ever wondered, why did it work so hard but did your body hurt like being tortured? And why does the pain not appear at that moment, but must I start working after sleeping for a while?

In fact, science has a name for it: Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS).

Mechanism of pain

Most people think that muscular pain is due to the activity, the cells have to breathe oxygen deficiency in anaerobic lactic acid anaerobic environment. But actually, the cause of DOMS is due to extremely small lesions spreading in the muscle. It even makes the muscles swell.

Picture 2 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
The cause of DOMS is due to microscopic lesions spreading in the muscle.

The degree of muscle pain when episodes are not always the same . In particular, tissues and muscle cells will be very painful if you practice the "curvature" - eccentric contraction, which is a form of exercise that causes muscle tension during stretching.

An easy example is when you practice squat, the quadriceps in your thighs begin to stretch when lowering, but you still feel it stretches if you slow down. Running downhill or lifting weights also causes this phenomenon.

Picture 3 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
The degree of muscle pain when episodes are not always the same.

How to relieve pain?

Typically, DOMS only annoys for a while and will go away in a few days. But if you feel it interferes with excessive exercise, there are several ways to make your body feel better and recover faster.

According to Thomas Brickner, a sports doctor at the University of North Carolina, you need to provide enough water for your body, and that's the most important thing. Because muscle cells desperately need water to repair the damage through protein synthesis.

If the house has a large size bath, the better, you can take a hot bath, then switch to cold water. This will cause the blood vessels to expand, reducing pain and swelling.

Picture 4 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
You need to provide enough water for your body, and that is the most important thing.

In addition, you can also gently massage the affected area. Researchers believe this helps to trigger genes to reduce swelling.

In severe cases - for example, you can't stretch your arms for days after lifting weights, you should probably go to a doctor. According to Brickner, this is a sign of rhabdomyolysis , a serious form of muscle damage caused by overtraining.

These types of exercises can cause muscle cells to die, release toxins into the blood, and make muscles unable to move. The muscles will become numb and inflate, then release myoglobin into the kidneys, causing the urine to look like blood (bleeding in the urine when over-exercising).

"Many people don't know that they're exercising too much. They simply think:" muscle pain is normal, but it may not be normal at all, "Bricker said.

Picture 5 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
Do not exercise too much.

The secret to never hurt muscles from the first days

In fact, there is no such secret. Whether you are a world-class athlete or a milky mother going to gym, you will have to go through this situation if you leave for too long without exercising.

But to minimize muscle pain due to exercise, it's best not to try too hard, especially when you're just starting to exercise.

If this is the first time you start going to the gym and don't know if it is your limit, stop at the level you feel you can continue to do if you want. For weightlifting, Brickner recommends that you choose a weight that doesn't exhaust yourself. Choose a lower weight than what you think is in your capacity.

Picture 6 of Anyone who is new to the gym also hurts crazy the next morning.  Why so?
Start before you practice any subject.

In addition, you need to drink enough water and eat enough substances (starch for runners and protein for weightlifters). Starting before exercise and cooling the body afterwards are also effective ways to reduce injuries.