Baby geese survive when falling from a 122m high cliff

Barnacle goose after hatching for a few days must jump from high cliffs to the ground to reach the grass with food.

Picture 1 of Baby geese survive when falling from a 122m high cliff
After a few days of hatching baby geese are forced to venture into the grass below.

Barnacle goose (Branta leucopsis) is a species of bird in the Duck family, living mainly on the Arctic Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. This species often nest and lay eggs on high cliffs to avoid predators like the Arctic fox. The Barnacle goose only eats grass and goose parents do not seek food for their children. So, to survive, baby geese after hatching for a few days must risk jumping into the grass below.

Goose parents will wait below the cliff, shouting to encourage their young children to jump down. The small size, light weight and thick feather protect the baby geese from serious injury when hitting the cliff. However, many geese still overcome the toughest survival challenge in the natural world.