Beard - an integral part of a cat's body

Beard is one of the most important parts of cats because if the beard is cut off, the cat will not work well.

Cat whiskers, or cat whiskers , are also called tactile hairs that grow on the cat's face. They are long, thin and quite flexible hairs that appear not only on the sides of the mouth but also under the jaw, above the eyes and the back of the front, according to How Stuff Works.

The stubble is about two to three times thicker than regular cat hair. It grows deep into the cat's face, where there are many blood vessels and nerves. A common cat has about 12 whiskers on each side of the mouth, but some cats have more numbers.

Picture 1 of Beard - an integral part of a cat's body
Mustache is one of the most important parts of a cat.(Photo: iStock).

Cat whiskers are very sensitive , helping them detect the smallest change in direction of movement easily. For example, cat whiskers help animals run freely in the house at night without touching other objects. The air flow in the room varies depending on the location of the furniture. As the cat approaches the chair, it will turn to another direction based on the change of air around the seat.

The distance between the stubble is exactly the same as the width of the body, the cat uses them to determine if it can squeeze through narrow spaces in front of them. The head of the cat's beard is sensitive to pressure, you may have seen a cat put its head in and out of the opening before putting it in.

Mustache also has the ability to reveal cat's mood . If the cat pulls the beard towards the cheek, they are scared or angry. Mustache for comfort means they are happy. Beard facing forward and stretching means that the cat is in a positive state or in a predatory mode.

The cat's mustache may fall off, however it will grow back like a natural cycle.Never cut the cat's beard because of the lack of whiskers, cats are like a blind person and have no feeling.