Coffee is good for men with cancer

A cup of coffee a day may be helpful for men with prostate cancer, US researchers said.

Expert Janet Stanford of Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle and colleagues examined data from 630 prostate cancer patients and 61% of them drank at least one cup of coffee a day, according to the company. believe UPI.

Picture 1 of Coffee is good for men with cancer
A cup of coffee a day is good for prostate cancer patients - (Photo: Shutterstock)

Stanford experts said they wanted to find out if drinking coffee could make the disease come back or get worse.

'For men who use at least one cup of coffee a day, the risk of prostate cancer recurring or progressing is reduced by more than 50%,' Stanford said.

Coffee contains chemicals that can affect cancer, but this needs more research, Stanford expert added.

The study was published in Cancer Causes and Control , supported by the US National Institutes of Health.