Decode the premonition from the 9 most frequent dreams of man

Dreams are the most mysterious experience of human beings, they can carry a certain premonition. Here is the most frequent dream decoding of humans.

Science has calculated that a person in a year may experience an average of 1,460 dreams. This number equates to about 5 dreams every night. It's just that when you wake up, you'll forget 99% of the details of those dreams, so you don't know it.

So do these dreams have any special meaning hidden in it? Although there is no convincing evidence yet, but after years of research, scientists have shown that dreams are often associated with the awareness and worries we encounter in life.

Dreams can be said to be the most mysterious experience of humans. What is more special is that seemingly innocuous dreams seem to have some meaning, like a reflection of the subconscious and what happens in each person's life. Here is the most frequent dream decoding of humans.

1. Dream of tooth loss

One of the most frequent dreams is dream of tooth loss. The dream of teeth often involves images of teeth loss, broken teeth or teeth that suddenly crumble after eating something. This somewhat creepy dream turned out to be very popular and made many people worried.

Picture 1 of Decode the premonition from the 9 most frequent dreams of man

According to experts, this dream carries both positive and negative meanings. It may be the result of you wanting to take better care of yourself, and may also come from the great insecurity of your health, life or age. Either way, the dream of teeth often occurs in periods of great transformation of life , between events or turning points of life. If you dream about your teeth, don't worry, you're not alone.

2. Dream to see yourself naked

The nude dream is not sexy at all, the usual scene is when you are doing something as important as a presentation, in the middle of a crowd or a special event, suddenly looking down and realizing yourself wearing nothing on you. Most experts believe that this dream represents deep hurt or a deep shame from within. You are feeling anxious about being exposed or ridiculed from others.

Usually, nude dreams appear when you have a big move. like new graduates, job vacancies, job offers, new opportunities . Maybe you try to show yourself not. In general, this dream reflects a lack of confidence, showing doubt about yourself.

3. Dreaming of falling

The dream of falling is one of the most common dreams of all the dreams I have experienced in my life. It is said to appear when things in your life are out of control, whether it's your work, your finances, your marriage or your relationship. The dream falls especially when you lose something in life, and this dream is especially common in people who are depressed. When you dream that you are falling, you may be having problems to solve.

Picture 2 of Decode the premonition from the 9 most frequent dreams of man

4. Dreaming I can't run

In this dream, you find that even if you try hard, you can't run away. There seems to be an invisible barrier that you cannot overcome. This dream is said to appear when you are suffering from a lack of confidence or self-esteem, or when you are helpless in a certain situation of life. If you find that this type of dream is uncomfortable, there is a simple way to improve, that is to say that you will try to believe in yourself more.

5. Dreaming of going back to school and failing exams

This dream can happen at any time, whether you are on vacation, or have graduated, or graduated a decade ago. Many people still dream of returning to the university and worrying that they cannot go to school.

Usually, this dream is often related to your work . The school here is your career, so the dream of failing in school can be traced to the fear of bad things happening in the workplace. For one thing, the dream of school is probably lighter and easier than the fact that the office is very much.

6. Dream of seeing someone or something chasing after

You are stressed , if you dreamed last night that you were chased. You are upset and try to avoid confronting someone or something in life. When you dare to stop and face it, you probably won't dream about this dream anymore. And then you might dream of more wonderful dreams like losing your teeth or being naked in the crowd.

7. Dream to see yourself flying

Most flying dreams bring comfort, happiness and excitement. This is the kind of provincial dream, that is, you are aware that you are dreaming. In dreams of this kind, we can control the plot and situations that occur in the dream, and because of this, many people use their dreams to create fantasies about things. They can't do it in real life, like flying, aerobatics or driving like movies. This kind of dream usually doesn't mean anything mysterious, it simply helps you answer the question yourself 'if you have esper powers, which power will you choose? ' never mind.

Picture 3 of Decode the premonition from the 9 most frequent dreams of man

8. Dreaming to wake up even if you still sleep

This is also a very common dream, it happens when you think you are awake and start doing your usual things like brushing your teeth and washing your face, checking your phone, drinking coffee and working clothes. . The "fake" dream appears when you are very worried about the coming days and you do everything to avoid it. It happens when you are almost alert, but still not fully awake. The sense of consciousness of this dream is very real, so to check if you are dreaming or real, pay attention to a specific information in your head, such as your phone number, or briefing time. This week, or a specific appointment. If you can't access the information, you're still dreaming and lying in bed, not up.

9. Dream of having to urinate

If you ignore Freud's hypothesis related to sex, this dream has only one meaning, that is, you really need to 'flush out' . Try to wake up and urinate right away if you don't want to wash and shy the next day and shy and have nothing to say.