Detecting tyrannical dinosaurs with beautiful feathers

The discovery of a hairy giant carnivorous dinosaur made scientists change their long-term thinking about the tyrant T.rex.

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A group of Chinese and Canadian scientists analyzed the well-preserved fossil bone skeleton of a mature dinosaur and two immature dinosaurs collected in Liaoning Province, China from a merchant. jelly.

Analysis showed that with the jaws of an assassin and extremely sharp teeth, T. rex has long been built on film with scaly skin like fish. However, the discovery of a relative of T.rex previously revealed that the dinosaur king could have smooth fur.

Evidence was found from a tyrant dinosaur in northeastern China who lived 60 million years ago, before T.rex. Fossil samples still have smooth hair. This is also the largest hairy dinosaur fossil ever found.

Picture 1 of Detecting tyrannical dinosaurs with beautiful feathers
The king of dinosaurs can wear silky fur.

If T. rex's relatives have feathers, then what does T. rex not have?

Some smaller hairy dinosaurs have been found in recent years, but this is the first time scientists have found such large and hairy dinosaur fossils. Experts have long argued whether giant dinosaurs lost their feathers because of their oversized size.

Yutyrannus huali, the newly discovered tyrant dinosaur, is described in the scientific journal Nature. Its name is combined from Latin and Mandarin, meaning 'beautiful hairy tyrant dinosaurs' . This dinosaur species can be more than 9m long and weighs a ton.