Discover an ancient diamond warehouse near the Earth's core

The diamond reserve is older than the Moon, discovered by an international group of scientists near the Earth's core at a depth of more than 410km.

Diamonds slept for 4.5 billion years under hundreds of kilometers deep pushed to the surface by a powerful volcanic eruption in Brazil, according to a study published today in the journal Science. The research team led by Dr. Suzette Timmerman at the Australian National University measured the helium isotope in diamond to determine the location of the ancient diamond storehouse .

Picture 1 of Discover an ancient diamond warehouse near the Earth's core
The team looked at the helium isotope in super-deep diamonds.(Photo: Independent).

The team said that diamonds act as "perfect time boxes" to help them learn more about the chaotic period after the Earth's formation. During this period, geological activity was so intense that the original structure of the young planet was almost nothing.

However, researchers still doubt there is a relatively quiet area in the mantle between the Earth's shell and core. Previously, they found no evidence to prove speculation. The first clue appeared in the 1980s when scientists found that some samples of basalt lava at some locations had higher ratios of helium-3 and helium-4 . It is particularly interesting that this ratio is similar to the ratio of isotopes in the first meteorites that hit the Earth.

The similarity indicates that lava from deep within the Earth's heart has not changed for billions of years."The problem is that even basalt stones are brought to the surface, we only know briefly about their history. We don't know much about the cover, where they formed , " Dr. Timmerman said.

Dr. Timmerman and colleagues investigated the ratio of helium isotopes in diamonds to a depth of 150-230 km below the Earth's crust."Diamonds are the hardest and most indestructible natural material that people know about. They are the perfect time boxes to help us explore the Earth. We separate helium from 23 super diamonds. Deep in Juina, Brazil, these diamonds have isotope ratios as we predicted from the ancient repository, confirming that the gases obtained are traces from the period before the Moon collided with the Earth. " Dr. Timmerman said.

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