Discover interesting scientific facts

Astronauts at the International Space Station watch sunrise and sunset 16 times / day; Panda can pretend to be pregnant for more care . and many other Fun Scientific facts are waiting for you to discover!

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Interesting information about the International Space Station (ISS).

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Remnants of dinosaurs: It is known that this fossil specimen is equivalent to a car.

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The secret of Pisa's leaning tower: The leaning tower of Pisa is a bell tower built in 1173, with a height of 55.86 meters. The fact that the tilted tower is in fact is not the architect's artistic intent, but because it is subsided by the weak ground .

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Panda's tricky: In 2014, a female Panda in China pretended to be pregnant by deliberately altering hormones, frequency of exercise and appetite.With this game, the clever bear has been in a private room with air conditioning, regularly cared for by technicians and, of course, there are always good food like cakes, fruit and bamboo!

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Rare astronomical event.

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Interesting truth about diamonds.

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The giant of the largest freshwater lake in the world: Lake Baikal has a surface area of ​​up to 31,494km square and is home to about 20% of the world's freshwater (liquid)!

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The "slow" star of the Solar System: Pluto takes 2177 years to complete orbit around the sun.

  1. 11 interesting scientific facts
  2. Factual science fiction facts are real