Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Maya developed into one of the most influential of Mesoamerica.

Territory stretching from Mexico to El Salvador, the mighty Maya has become one of the dominant forces in the region, building large cities, trade routes, temples and wonders.

Picture 1 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
Artifacts with flying saucer designs.(Photo: Ancient Code).

The Maya are typical of hieroglyphics - one of the few complete writing systems on pre-Columbian American continent. As one of the oldest and most developed cultures in the US, Maya is known for its architecture, art, astronomy, ecology and especially the mathematical system.

The ancient Mayans lived around southeastern Mexico, corresponding to the states of Yucatan, Campeche, Tabasco, Quintana Roo and east of Chiapas, as well as most of Guatemala, Belize, western Honduras and El Salvador today.

Maya civilization has developed complex art forms using both durable and unstable materials such as wood, jade, stone casing, ceramics, stone carving, mortar and wall painting.

Picture 2 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
An artifact with astronomy on rock.(Photo: Ancient Code).

The May people have built and left a rich architectural heritage, making Maya civilization become one of the great pre-industrial civilizations of the world.

Maya architecture also incorporates hieroglyphs with different art forms, which is evidence of the existence of craft expertise, centralized organization and political means to mobilize the large workforce in Maya society.

Maya - unique civilization of America

The magnificent progress of the Mayans caused many researchers to ask the question: Did the ancient Maya have advanced knowledge of technology, astronomy and mathematics from another civilization?

Are the mysterious artifacts the evidence Maya exposed to aliens?

Picture 3 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
An artifact with strange Mayan decorations.(Photo: Ancient Code).

Over the years, many artifacts believed to have been excavated in Central America. Over six years ago, a series of images of ancient Mayan artifacts disappeared long ago in the form of spacecraft, alien statues and star maps. However, these artifacts are quickly considered a hoax.

Picture 4 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
Artifacts shaped like flying saucers.(Photo: Ancient Code).

Various artifacts have been discovered over the years. The first set of artifacts (see picture below) was discovered in Calakmul, Mexico.

Picture 5 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
The first set of Maya artifacts.(Photo: Ancient Code).

The area discovered artifacts in the center of the southern Yucatán Peninsula, southern Mexico and the rest of the important city of Maya, Calakmul, lies deep in the tropical Tierras Bajas. The artifacts are said to be ancient Mayans and are a sign of alien contact.

Picture 6 of Discovered evidence that Maya civilization had contact with the first aliens
Alien-shaped mask.(Photo: Ancient Code).

However, up to now, these artifacts are not the only things found. In fact, many other similar objects have been discovered over the years.