Do you know Earth is less than 50,000 tons per year?

Every year passes, you are 1 year older, your parents are older than 1 year old, your lover is 1 year older and of course, the Earth is 1 year old. However, unlike youngsters or youngsters who often gain weight every spring, the Earth is losing about 50,000 tons per year, equivalent to about 0.0000000000001% of its mass. In fact, the number of lost masses is much larger, nearly 100,000 tons but due to being offset by cosmic dust, the Earth has removed the gauze somewhat!

Why does Earth lose weight?

The physicist Dr. Chris Smith and Dave Ansel of Cambridge University have published results showing that in a year, the globe lost about 95,000 tons of Hydro and 1,600 tons of Helium. These two gases are so light that the earth's gravity does not hold it in the atmosphere. Another reason is that the fuel core at the center of the Earth loses mass every year, you just imagine it as a nuclear reactor that will understand the problem, less energy means less mass. And every year we lose 16 tons because of this problem.

Picture 1 of Do you know Earth is less than 50,000 tons per year?

So where to increase from?

The BBC's More or Less program adds, thanks to the gravity of gravity that every year our Earth attracts 40,000 tons of cosmic dust to enhance its mass . In addition, information from the US Federal Aviation and Space Administration said that each year the Earth weighs about 160 tons more because of global warming.

So, you can see that it is not because you have a baby or your grandfather died but the mass of the earth increases or decreases. Have you ever heard of the law of money conservation?"Money is not born naturally, it is not naturally lost, it just moves from one person to another . " Similarly, your child born on this earth consumes items from the earth but its weight and what it "emits" are enough to offset each other! In addition, those who think that launching missiles and satellites into space also make the earth lighten so you may forget that thought, simply because most of them will return to mother land after a while. Time away from home!

Such a joke is enough, let us return to the main problem: Will this loss of mass harm the Earth?

In fact, you shouldn't be worried because, as mentioned, the Earth only takes 0.0000000000001% of its mass every year and it doesn't affect humans at all. This 50,000 tons is not as big as you imagine it, it is only about half the weight of the sinking Costa Concordia last 13 months.

So what about losing hydrogen and helium?

Hydrogen gas is not very oxidative but Helium is quite a serious problem. At the current rate of loss, it must be several thousand billion years before we run out of hydrogen gas, and the Earth will no longer exist.

About helium, this is an important gas and it only accounts for 0,00052% of our atmosphere volume. In fact, helium is often extracted from natural gas through complex distillation. And helium is getting rare on the earth, so losing 1,600 tons a year is really a pity. In fact, Nobel laureate Robert Richardson used to think that every balloon must be worth $ 100 because it contains so much helium!

And you know what Helium is for? For use in hospital MRI machines, used to assist airships, to make mixtures to help divers breathe underwater, use in telescopes, in tests that measure the age of a certain material or Help the rocket fly to the sky .