Doing these steps you do not worry about digestive diseases on Tet

Eating improperly, using too much oily food, confectionery, alcohol causes these.

Doctor Le Thuan Linh, Head of Nutrition Department, General Hospital of Thu Duc District, Ho Chi Minh City, said that during Tet holiday, there are few people trading so people often buy long-term reserve food. Therefore, if stored improperly, improper processing of food will increase the risk of infection, easy to cause and digestive diseases.

People with gastrointestinal diseases often have a feeling of not eating well, being bored of eating, and fasting. Frequent belching, heartburn, heartburn or nausea, dull abdominal pain, heavy breathing, heavy walking or diarrhea, constipation.

The main cause of damage to the digestive system

  1. Eat lots of greasy foods, sweet candies, little fruit and fibrous foods. Tet is a holiday so sedentary is easy to get bloated, bloating, constipation.
  2. Eating prepared foods such as sausages, sausages, sausages and slightly rich protein-rich foods leads to bloating.
  3. High carbonated and alcoholic beverages lead to overloaded digestive apparatus.
  4. Prepared food is not guaranteed, fermentation due to poor preservation, improper storage, causing bacteria to cause food poisoning and acute diarrhea.
  5. Preservatives in prepared foods can cause gastritis, intestinal inflammation, poisoning.
  6. Eating on time, not in moderation, eating too full or being hungry; often staying up late, worrying about preparing for Tet is easy to cause acute gastritis, especially for people with a history of stomach disease.
  7. Eating too much, eating lots of protein-rich foods, drinking alcohol can also cause acute pancreatitis.

Picture 1 of Doing these steps you do not worry about digestive diseases on Tet
People with gastrointestinal diseases often have a feeling of not eating well, being bored of eating, and fasting.

How to prevent healthy digestive system

Flatulence, indigestion, bloating:

  1. Do not eat too much, limit the amount of alcohol and soft drinks.
  2. Eat plenty of green vegetables, fresh fruit, limit protein-rich foods.
  3. Eat more yogurt to boost beneficial bacteria.
  4. Can support digestive enzymes.


  1. Drink plenty of water, especially in the morning right after waking up.
  2. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.
  3. Can eat more nuts, fiber-rich grains instead.

Food poisoning and diarrhea:

  1. Buy food in a reliable place to avoid toxic preservatives.
  2. Store food separately, not to confuse raw and cooked food.
  3. Do not use strange foods that can cause allergies, poisoning.
  4. Store and defrost food properly, do not leave it fresh or defrost too long in the environment.
  5. Avoid eating uncooked types.
  6. Do not leave food in the environment for too long (both raw and cooked).

Acute gastritis, acute pancreatitis:

  1. Eat well, be on time, don't eat too much or be too hungry.
  2. Limit protein-rich foods, reduce alcohol consumption, limit carbonated drinks and spices.

Items should be eaten and should be avoided

Do not eat:

  1. Self-fermented foods such as pickled pickled melon, tubers .
  2. Pre-processed food of unknown origin.
  3. Limit foods that are high in protein.
  4. Limit drinking alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, especially not drinking beer and carbonated water at the same time.

Dishes to eat:

  1. Fresh fruit.
  2. Fresh vegetables.
  3. Seeds and grains are moderate.
  4. A box of yogurt every day helps improve the digestive system.
  5. Drinking probiotics if you have bloating, bloating, constipation, mild diarrhea.

Picture 2 of Doing these steps you do not worry about digestive diseases on Tet
When bloating, bloating, constipation: Drink plenty of water, massage your abdomen .

How to handle

  1. Flatulence, bloating, constipation : Drinking plenty of water, abdominal massage, limiting high-fat or protein foods, eating more fiber-rich potatoes and carbohydrates, boosting fruits and vegetables, eating one Yogurt box every day. Drinking a hot cup of ginger can reduce symptoms. If symptoms are worse, take more probiotics and stool softeners, digestive enzymes such as neopeptine, amylase make it easier to digest food.
  2. Diarrhea, food poisoning, vomiting : Take oresol to compensate for lost water and salt, severe conditions need to go to the emergency room, do not arbitrarily use vomiting drugs or hold diarrhea.
  3. Acute gastritis : Use available drugs such as phophalugel, gaviscon . to neutralize excess acidity.

Dr. Linh advises eating moderate, moderate activities, ensuring three meals a day. Properly store and preserve food, take advantage of health-enhancing exercise time to limit disease. On Tet holiday stores are usually closed so to prevent diarrhea, indigestion, bloating, you should prepare some medicine for family medicine cabinets such as oresol to rehydrate; motilium when bloating, indigestion; smecta treatment of diarrhea; Lactobaciilus yeast to enhance bacteria.