Energy on the Moon can be used for 5,000 years

The exploitation of the rare isotope on the Moon, costing billions of dollars per ton, can guarantee global energy for 5 thousand years.

Heli-3 reserves on the Moon can guarantee Earth's energy consumption for the next five thousand years. Dr. Vladislav Shevchenko, director of the Moon and Planet Institute, under Moscow MGU University, said Wednesday.

"The ability to ensure that the energy supplied to the Earth today is not infinite. In a century, energy reserves may be depleted. US scientists have calculated, Heli-3 reserves. on the Moon can guarantee energy for our planet at least 5,000 more years' , Shevchenko said.

Picture 1 of Energy on the Moon can be used for 5,000 years
Heli-3 reserves on the Moon can ensure energy for the Earth for 5 thousand years.

According to Vladisslav Shevchenko, the cost of 1 ton of Heli-3 can be up to 1 billion dollars, not only to build infrastructure to exploit and move from the Moon.

'To get 25 tons, it costs 25 billion dollars. That amount is not much of a country that can afford to spend a year, except the United States, now the total cost of energy is already 40 billion dollars. So it is inconvenient , 'he said.

According to experts, in the future, the International Space Station (ISS) will transform into the International Moon Station (International Moon Station).'Our current direction is to switch from ISS to IMS. The actual benefits will be much greater , 'Shevchenko proposed.

Heli-3 is the lightest isotope of helium and formed from the reaction that occurs on the Sun. Australian scientist Mark Olifant University of Cambridge was the first to mention this issue from 1934, and five years later, scientists Luis Anvarez and Robert Kornog discovered this isotope.

On Earth, the amount of helium-3 is negligible, only a few tens of grams can be collected each year. But on the Moon, where there is no atmosphere, the reserves of this very rare isotope, according to the most modest estimates, amount to 500 thousand tons.