Exotic seaweed rain

The people in Gloucesterhire (England) village were extremely shocked to see a rain of seaweed in the true sense.

>>>Rain fish strange in Australia

The strange rain made all houses, gardens, and seaweed-covered cars smell fishy after the storm swept across the beach located 32km away.

Picture 1 of Exotic seaweed rain
Naomi Sheldon, a local resident, was surprised
when seaweed falls in my garden. (Source: Telegraph )

Explaining the phenomenon, weather experts say seaweed was swept by the swirling wind from Clevedon beach in the North Sumerset area and then poured into a nearby village.

According to Ian Fergusson, weather expert at the National Weather Service Office, this situation is likely to happen because the area is experiencing massive storms.

'If one of the tube clouds drops near the beach, it will create a tornado, entangle with seaweed and other garbage and take it elsewhere. Seaweed and garbage will fall when the tornado melts, " Fergusson said.

'This phenomenon is very strange but absolutely possible. People can find fish in the garden too. '