Famous Snake scientists

Alfred Nobel is one of many world-renowned snake scientists with important contributions to human history.

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Alfred Nobel

Alfred Nobel was born on October 21, the year of the Snake 1833 . He is a famous Swedish chemist and engineer. He was the inventor of dynamite. Alfred Nobel also used his fortune to create the Nobel Prize. The Nobelium chemical element is named after him. He died December 10, 1896.

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Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen

Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen was born in the Year of the Snake (1845) , he was a German physicist. In the evening of November 8, 1895, after leaving the lab, he suddenly remembered that he did not break the high-voltage circuit breaker into the cathode tube, so Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen returned to the room and saw a green light trail on the table, though the room dark. 49 days later, he was in the laboratory, and his meals were supplied by his wife, and he only stopped studying for a few minutes a day to eat, clean and nap for a few hours. This process helped him discover a secret radiation he temporarily named X-rays. In 1901 he was awarded the first Nobel Prize in physics. Since then X-rays are also called Roentgen rays; The name of the person who found it. Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen died on February 10, 1923.

Picture 3 of Famous Snake scientists
Edward Anthony Jenner

Edward Anthony Jenner was born in the Year of the Snake (1749) . According to Wikipedia, he is a British doctor and surgeon. E. Jenner is the person who developed the technique to create human vaccines to help fight smallpox. Thanks to him, a disease that claimed millions of people during that period, especially in Europe, was removed. He died on January 26, 1823.

Picture 4 of Famous Snake scientists
Alexander Fleming

Alexander Fleming was born in Tan Ty (1881) , a doctor, biologist and Scottish pharmacist. He is considered to have opened the era of antibiotic use in medicine. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine in 1945 with Ernst Boris Chain and Howard Walter Florey on the discovery and separation of penicillin - the first antibiotic in the treatment of infections. He died on March 11, 1955.

Picture 5 of Famous Snake scientists
Charles Robert Darwin

Charles Robert Darwin was born in the Year of the Snake (1809) in Shrewsbury. He was the most prominent biologist in the 19th century. He published the theory of evolution with convincing evidence in the book on Origin of Species published in 1859. The work is revolution in science. naturally and change the whole human mind about the transformation of all things. He died on April 19, 1882.

Picture 6 of Famous Snake scientists
Luigi Galvani

Luigi Galvani was born on 9/9 year Dinh Ty (1737) . He is an Italian physicist and physiologist. He has great merit in building the foundations for electrical engineering. In 1771, he discovered that the stripped frog's muscle twitched on a metal table with metal skewers. He cut the frog's thigh from the frog's body and was also convulsed when two different metal rods struck. He thinks that this is the bioelectric current created. Thanks to that, Alessandro Volta made the first chemical battery and called it Galvani battery. He died 4/12/1798.