Germany shipped the world's largest solar ship

Dubbed the world's largest solar power train, PlanetSolar is 31 meters long and 15 meters wide, weighing 60 tons, launched in Kiel.

Picture 1 of Germany shipped the world's largest solar ship

PlanetSolar viewed from above.

If the two venture operators in April 2011 as planned, this will be the first solar-powered cruise ship to travel around the world.

The total area of photovoltaic panels of SunPower Company (USA) installed in the hull is 500m 2 . PlanetSolar only uses natural gas for cooking stoves, while electric motors, computers, light bulbs ... use solar energy.

"In the process of traveling around the world, we use only solar-powered engines to generate electricity ," said Raphael Domjan, PlanetSolar's captain and project initiator . Otherwise this is not a world tour with solar energy. '

As expected, PlanetSolar will travel around the world with more than 40,000 km in 140 days at an average speed of 1.85 km / h. When visiting each port on the way, the train will pick up to 50 people to visit.

PlanetSolar was built at a shipyard in Kiel for 13 months at a cost of nearly € 18 million (about 468 billion VND).