Going out several times a day, what is the cause?

Going out several times a day is caused by an overgrowth of the bacterial flora and large intestine yeast, food intolerance, overeating of high-fat foods, poor digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Going to the toilet several times: Causes and solutions

  1. Cause of going out many times a day
    1. 1. Internal hemorrhoids
    2. 2. Chronic colitis
    3. 3. Stomach ulcer
    4. 4. Celiac disease
    5. 5. Appendicitis
    6. 6. Irritable bowel syndrome
    7. 7. Allergy or food poisoning
    8. 8. Exercise more often or increase the intensity of the exercise
    9. 10. Viral or bacterial infection
    10. 11. Impact from drugs
    11. 12. Stressful nerves
    12. 13. Menstrual cycle
  2. Going out several times a day should do?
    1. Drink plenty of warm water
    2. Maintain a light, frugal diet
    3. Take time to relax
    4. Drink tea

Frequent abdominal pain, frequent bowel movements many times a day (more than 3 times a day), loose or unformed stools, accompanied by a feeling of abdominal pain, sometimes unbearable cramping, vomiting, passing away If you want to move on, your body is tired . it could be a sign of some serious illness.

Cause of going out many times a day

1. Internal hemorrhoids

This is one of the most common rectal - rectal diseases. Internal hemorrhoids are formed by the expansion of venous plexus in the anus wall, forming hemorrhoids. This disease irritates the anus, causing the patient to feel itchy, uncomfortable and defecate several times a day.

Internal hemorrhoids often cause patients to face blood in the stool and a burning sensation when defecating. If internal hemorrhoids are left untreated, they will be complicated and difficult to control.

2. Chronic colitis

Going out several times a day can also be a warning sign that you are suffering from chronic colitis. Patients with chronic colitis often have bowel movements many times in the morning and at night, the state of stool can vary from solid to liquid, the abdomen is always in a state of bloating, indigestion that makes you all day tired, don't have the spirit to study or work

3. Stomach ulcer

People with chronic stomach pain or peptic ulcers are at a higher risk of facing up after they have gone out. Peptic ulcer disease is a disease formed by the damage of the stomach lining, the ulcer situation in each patient is not the same because it depends on many objective and subjective factors. The cause of disease is mainly due to Hp bacteria and the bad habits in our daily life and eating. When suffering from gastric ulcer, patients will have dull ache often and pain after finishing eating or when hungry. Accompanied by feelings of nausea, belching, heartburn, anorexia, weight loss and abdominal pain go immediately after eating.

Picture 1 of Going out several times a day, what is the cause?
Stomach ulcers may make you want to go outside several times a day.(Illustration).

4. Celiac disease

Not as common as food poisoning and gastrointestinal disorders, but Celiac disease will also cause you stomach pain and diarrhea when finished. Although the disease is quite unknown to the majority of the Vietnamese population, you also need to understand it to actively prevent frequent abdominal pain. The cause of this disease is excessive gluten tolerance. Gluten is found in eggs, gluten, wheat, soda, rye and the additives found in processed foods.

5. Appendicitis

Abdominal discomfort after eating can be one of the signs of appendicitis. The characteristic feature of this disease is the dull pain around the navel and spread down the lower abdomen, to the right. In addition to the typical pain sensation, the patient will also have symptoms similar to digestive disorders such as constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite, swelling of the abdomen in the right corner. This is a very dangerous disease, if it is not treated promptly by the doctors, there is a high possibility that it will turn into acute appendicitis and appendicitis rupture.

6. Irritable bowel syndrome

Irritable bowel syndrome, also known as IBS for short, and having an empty stomach, or going out several times a day is one of the most characteristic symptoms of this syndrome. The reason for this nuisance is because in some people, bowel spasms are especially taller, stronger and longer than others, causing food to be completely digested. pushed out. Excessive fast functioning of the intestine will make the patient feel abdominal pain and stool with mucus as soon as 20-30 minutes after eating.

7. Allergy or food poisoning

Some people will be more sensitive to certain foods than others, leading to ingestion of abdominal cramps, itching all over, rash, body swelling, difficulty breathing, fainting. Some common allergenic foods such as cows, shrimp, peanuts, etc. You need to understand your body's allergy mechanism to avoid going out after eating.

8. Exercise more often or increase the intensity of the exercise

Speeding up your exercise routine can make you go outside more times a day than usual. Exercise increases the muscle contraction in your gut, helping to stimulate the discharge of waste twice as fast as normal.

Picture 2 of Going out several times a day, what is the cause?
Sometimes healthy habits like exercising make you have some "trouble" with the digestive system.(Illustration).

9. Changes in diet

Your diet becomes healthier, such as increasing your intake of vegetables, fruits and whole grains. These foods provide a lot of fiber, which promotes your digestion.

10. Viral or bacterial infection

Viruses such as Rotavirus (usually the cause of diarrhea in children), Adenovirus, Caliciviruses, Astrovirus . Or some pathogenic parasites such as giardia lamblia, entamoeba histolytica and cryptosporidium . defecation many times a day and even diarrhea.

11. Impact from drugs

The abuse of many drugs, especially antibiotics, can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea or watery stools.

12. Stressful nerves

People who are coping with stress often have more bowel movements and their stools will be looser than usual.

13. Menstrual cycle

Women before and during menstruation will pass more stool and loose stools than usual. It could just be a hormonal change that takes place during red light days and this is completely normal.

Going out several times a day should do?

Drink plenty of warm water

Warm water is a great way to support the entire digestive system. Drinking warm water helps the body digest food more effectively. In addition, this habit also helps improve intestinal motility and prevent constipation. Several studies indicate that warm water can significantly improve the metabolic rate. Health experts say that the habit of drinking warm water is the most effective way to boost metabolism.

Maintain a light, frugal diet

What to eat and what fasting also has a significant impact on the status of going out. Health experts recommend that people with diarrhea many times to eat liquid food, light, easy to digest such as white porridge, soup, . Porridge not only helps the body quickly rehydrate but also helps digestion, Create the normal stool again. When symptoms of diarrhea subside, you can add lean ground meats, water noodles, vegetable juices, toast, etc. to replenish nutrients for the body.

In addition, restricting the use of high-fat foods, fishy items, raw foods . Absolutely do not drink alcohol, carbonated soft drinks . make diarrhea worse.

Take time to relax

Exercise can make your body more dehydrated. Therefore, you need to take time to rest your body. You can do normal activities, but avoid unnecessary energy-consuming activities.

Drink tea

You can sip a cup of tea with a few more chamomile petals, or a few slices of lemongrass. Lemongrass works to make your intestines more stable. In addition, you can drink a cup of ginger tea as this is an effective way to treat diarrhea and colic.