Green roses are about to be sold in the US

Traditional roses are only in red and white, the upcoming green transgenic roses will be sold for the first time in the US and Canada markets.

Picture 1 of Green roses are about to be sold in the US
Green roses will be sold in the US and Canada from November.

The green roses, called Applause , created by genetic modification to change the color of petals, will be sold in the US and Canada markets from November. So far, traditional roses have only red and white colors.

Green rose is the result of research within 20 years of Suntory (Japan). The company created the first blue rose in the lab in 2009 and spent two years developing it to bring this flower to the North American market.

Previously, blue roses were sold in the Japanese market for between 15 and 20 pounds / cotton. Although the price is quite high, blue roses are sought by many people, especially on special occasions.

Picture 2 of Green roses are about to be sold in the US
Green roses are very popular in Japan.

Blue roses were also mentioned in literature as a mysterious, unreal flower. However, genetically modified technology has helped scientists make this impossible a reality.