Guess the disease through blood group

People with AB blood had a significantly higher risk of heart disease than those with O.

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That is the result of two studies conducted on nearly 90,000 people (62,000 women and 27,400 men) for more than 20 years. Accordingly, the incidence of coronary heart disease is markedly different, related to the blood type of each participant, the lowest among people with O blood group. With AB group, the risk increases by 23%, the B is 11% higher and Group A is 5% more, Dr. Lu Qi from Harvard School of Public Health in Boston said.

Picture 1 of Guess the disease through blood group
The risk of heart disease in people with AB blood type
23% higher than O. blood type ( Photo: Dreamstime)

Blood group factors were considered after experts analyzed a list of possible causes of heart disease such as cholesterol, diabetes and high blood pressure. The blood test is inexpensive, has no side effects, but the effectiveness is not inferior to other methods, Dr. Richard Stein, a cardiologist and spokesman for the American Heart Association - said. .

The above conclusion contributes to increasing motivation for people in their self-care and bad habit prevention , Qi said. To reduce the risk of heart disease, people should exercise, eat a proper, proper diet and regularly check their body weight and cholesterol levels. Currently in the United States, 45% of the population has O blood, while only 4% of the AB group, 40% of the blood type A and B of 11%.

The study was published on August 14 in the journal Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis and Vascular Biology.

Reference: Myhealthnewsdaily