Horrors of insects cause deformities of the human body

Check out the face of the bastards that cause disfigurement of the parts of the human body.

Parasites are commonly known as stealthily living creatures on the body of another species. The parasite will live and grow by absorbing nutrients from the host body that the host is unaware of.

However, the world of parasites is not so simple. In addition to those that are merely 'parasitic ', there are species that will attack, endanger health or distort the host's body.

1. Worms only

This is one of the most frightening and dangerous " parasites " for humans. Worm larvae are only introduced into the human body through the bite of mosquitoes containing parasites.

Picture 1 of Horrors of insects cause deformities of the human body

After penetrating into the human body, these larvae will migrate to the lymphatic system of the human body and develop into adults only. The lymphatic system is also known as the lymphatic system, which maintains the fluid balance of tissue, which is an important component of the immune system .

The attack of worms in the lymphatic vessels will cause edema of the lymph nodes. At that time, some areas of the body, such as the legs, arms, and genitals, will be greatly swollen.

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Worms can only cause elephantiasis for humans.

More specifically, the presence of worms will only make the lymphatic system there clogged, causing the lymphatic fluid to accumulate much. At the same time, the skin in the affected area will be thickened and may be inflamed due to other bacterial infections.

Picture 3 of Horrors of insects cause deformities of the human body

Many studies show that swollen body parts caused by worms only existed since ancient times. The body of the worm was found in a mummy dating back to 3,000 years in Greece.

2. Buffalo fly larvae

Buffalo flies belong to the Oestroidea family, mainly distributed in Mexico, Central and South America. Just like the wormworm, the way of infecting the fly fly's human body is also indirectly through an insect.

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First, female flies lay eggs on themselves arthropods that specialize in sucking blood (like mosquitoes or fleas). When these intermediate animals go to feed by sucking blood from cattle and humans, buffalo egg eggs are transferred to the host.

In addition, buffalo flies have another form of transmitting larvae that is laying eggs directly on the human body.

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Real images of parasite nesting.

Larvae hatch from eggs, and grow under the skin by eating nutrients in the human body.During development, larvae migrate throughout the human body, possibly even surpassing the blood-brain barrier.

The area of ​​the selected fly larvae to the nest will be swollen, pusy and painful. After the 8-week period of parasitism by taking nutrients, the larvae will turn into pupae and punch a hole in the human skin and crawl out.

3. Guinea worm

The Guinea worm has a scientific name, Dracunculus medinensis - a parasite in human and animal skin. This worm lives popular in Asia and Africa, first discovered on the coast of Guinea (Africa) in the seventeenth century.

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Guinea worm is a round worm, which can be 80cm - 1m long, and extremely dangerous when it enters the human body. They invade the host body (in humans and animals) mainly through water taken from a pond, or the standing water that carries larvae of worms.

After 'settling down' for about a year in the human body, the larvae will develop and produce a long blister on the skin, usually in the legs or feet. This burn will cause people to feel itchy and extremely painful when Guinea worm puncture the skin to get out.

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Soaking your feet in the water, the sick person will feel comfortable but this action accidentally causes the female worm to have the opportunity to duplicate hundreds of thousands of parasitic larvae into the water, creating germs that can cause illness to others or increase degrees serious of the current patient.

4. Fleas

We must have heard a lot about fleas, an insect that lives parasites on furry animals such as mice, dogs, cats . But there is one thing that few people pay attention to, it is fleas also. parasites on the human body.

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Fleas penetrate into the human body through open skin or in areas where skin is in direct contact with the pet when people hug, hold them like: neck, face, hands, feet, around the waist . But mostly in the legs and arms.

According to biologists, fleas can parasitize on human skin when they are in adulthood. Normally, when a tick infects a human body, it can burn and suck blood, causing an initial reaction to itching.

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Then these bites will leave the red bumps of 1-2mm size, the edges are higher than the skin, the tips of the tips are small, very itchy blisters.

These blisters will rupture to form holes in the skin surface. Gradually on the skin of the patient where the parasite flea will appear more holes, causing the disfigured part to look like a honeycomb on the body.