Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

There is a pretty scary fact that our bodies contain a lot of things that are considered horrible. It could be kidney stones made of minerals - mostly calcium oxalate - found in urine, mucus when sweating, or rusty eyes, pus wounds . And even, not everyone knows how to write. Bacteria can exist in our eyes right now.

Let's review some of the "horror" things still present and exist in our bodies through the list of Howstuffwork pages.

1. Lash eyelashes

Few people know that lice can nest on eyelids, especially our lashes. The lashes are the transitional area between the lashes of the skin in the front and the eyelid conjunctiva (also called the eyelid lining) in the back. The lashes are always exposed to the sun, wind, dust, toxic gas . so it is an ideal place to live for all kinds of microorganisms and lice.

Picture 1 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

An estimated 80% of people over 60 years of age have ticks in their eyelids . This is one of the causes of inflammation of the " window of the soul " besides bacteria and fungi.

Lashes are very small, must be seen through a microscope to see. If you pull a lash and look at it with a microscope, you will see a lot of lice sticking around the root, with the number being able to exceed 25 individuals. Lashes are bigger, visible to the naked eye.

Picture 2 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

However, scientists point out that most types of lice are thought to be harmless, they only cause allergies in sensitive people. But you should not be subjective because they are still capable of causing inflammation.

2. Earwax

Earwax is an adhesive oil-based liquid, produced inside the ear canal, which provides lubrication and ear protection. Earwax exists like a trap, preventing dust, water and even tiny insects from entering the ear, preventing congestion and infection of the ear canal. In addition, earwax has antibacterial properties . Unfortunately, the bacteria get into the ear, bumping into this "antiseptic" will die, so the new ear keeps getting infected.

Picture 3 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

Also, as everyone knows, humans can hear the sound thanks to the vibrations of the ear drum (eardrum), located at a depth of about 25 mm, the sound before reaching the eardrum must go through the outer ear canal. . Here, earwax has a " mission" to reduce the intensity of the sound waves, avoiding the overly excited eardrum . Thus, when there are too strong sounds such as thunder, aircraft engine noise, new eardrums are not damaged.

But the earwax does not have an " eye-catching " appearance, and this is the reason why human species spend more than $ 60 million a year (about VND 1.2 trillion) for ear-cleaning products at home (number whether taken in North America), although the earwax nature exists to protect and clean our ears.

3. Fatty U

When the human body absorbs too many nutrients without proper movement, we will have excess energy . And these excess energy will be accumulated in the form of fat - fat . This is a very normal process, but there are also times when fat accumulates too much in 'unusual' places , creating fatty tumors.

Picture 4 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

Most benign polyps. They are fat cells concentrated just below the skin and above the muscles. The tumor is quite soft, touches bouncing, most of them develop no more than a few centimeters (there are also quite large cases of development) and rarely the case turns into cancer. Fatty tumors usually form in areas such as the neck, arms, back, thighs and buttocks, rarely with internal tumors.

Although the tumor is not dangerous, it does not dissolve itself but requires intervention from specialists. So, they cause quite a lot of cosmetic sessions.

4. Mucus

Rust in the nose, nose, sputum . is caused by one cause, it is mucus. Mucus is a sticky liquid, forming a membrane inside the nose, sinuses, oral cavity, throat, lungs and even the gastrointestinal tract.

Do not think mucus only appears when you are sick (nasal, sputum .), they always exist in any situation. According to research, the human body produces from 1 to 1.5 liters of mucus every day.

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Mucus acts as a lubricant , moisturizes the tissues in the body. In addition, thanks to its adhesive properties, mucus is also an ideal tool to keep dirt and bacteria, preventing them from entering the body. Perhaps because of that, mucus is also a very 'unsanitary' substance released by the body.

Healthy mucus is usually clear and thin. If it becomes thick and cloudy, it is a sign of inflammation, infection or allergy.

5. Bacteria

The human body is a reservoir of bacteria and microorganisms. An adult contains 10 times the number of bacterial cells that make up the human body - an estimated 100 trillion cells. And this huge number exists in every corner of our bodies.

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But rest assured, less than 1% of these bacteria carry germs, and most bacteria are harmless and even help the body's organs function more efficiently.

It can be mentioned that the bacterium Lactobacillus acidophilus resides in the gastrointestinal tract, can produce lactic acid, forming an environment that is not favorable for other pathogenic bacteria and fungi, contributing to protecting our body. .

6. Gas . toxic

That's the kind of gas that comes out every time you burp and . middle. Whenever digesting food, bacteria break down chemical bonds in food, creating gas in the body.

When the amount of gas produced is too great, people release them through . 2 gates. According to statistics, the average person has to remove 14 to 24 times a day, meaning that each of us will . fart or belch every hour.

Picture 7 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

" Toxic gas" is a combination of CO2, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, methane (CH 4 ), sulfur (only in gases produced when . deflated). Some foods cause the body to produce more gas such as high fiber and sugar.

In addition, some people get flat when eating starch (rice, wheat .) or products containing starch (cereals) because their bodies cannot digest these foods.

7. Ammonia stones

The tonsils are a new cell group used to protect the body against bacterial invasion. However, when the tonsils are infected too often, it becomes an especially ideal residence for many types of bacteria and the only way to get rid of them is to cut them off.

Picture 8 of Learn about 'horror' things in the human body

And especially, when suffering from chronic tonsillitis, the body will form a rather horrible thing called 'tonsil stones' - tonsil . Tonsils of the tonsils are a combination of a lot of bacteria, dead lymphocytes and mucus, located in the corner of two tonsils.

This symptom varies from person to person. Some people do not feel anything, but some may feel uncomfortable because of their presence, including earache, sore throat and tonsils. In addition, this is also the cause of bad breath, because it is a favorite food of bacteria.

8. Stool

This is probably the most horrifying . thing in our bodies. When eating and drinking, the body needs a good amount of time to separate vitamins and essential nutrients from food, called digestion . And the remaining product after this process is called ' excretion'.

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Our small intestine and large intestine are about 7.5m long

During digestion, food must pass through the intestine. The intestine includes the small intestine, large intestine, and rectum. The small intestine is a tube about 6m long, 2.5cm diameter, and 1.5m long in the large intestine and about 7.6cm in diameter.

Feces, or waste, are made up of undigested food . But not only that, they are a combination of mucus, bacteria and dead cells that are extremely unhygienic. Did you know, one day, we emit 255gr of ' pure ' waste - not including the amount of water included.