Less scientific knowledge is taught in schools

The ability to boil - freeze at the same time of a liquid or the result of an egg hatching in the sea is a little knowledge you know when you are a student.

The liquid can boil and freeze at the same time

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The boiling and freezing liquid at the same time is called the "triple point".

The boiling and freezing liquid at the same time is called the "triple point" . It occurs when the temperature and pressure of a substance exist in thermodynamic equilibrium is suitable for all three solid, liquid, and gas phases, according to Science Alert.

In the video, scientists pour cyclohexane liquid into a vessel in a vacuum. When the pressure in the flask decreases, the cyclohexane on the surface begins to freeze and the liquid beneath the boiling, creating a continuous liquid-solid state transition.

Laser is stuck in the water

Scientists at the University of Utah, USA, performed a "laser trap" experiment in the country. The team chisels a small hole in the body of the bottle so that the water flows out, then they project the laser beam through the bottle to a certain angle.

The results show that the laser bends in the same water flow as being trapped in it, no longer holding the original straight line. The cause of this phenomenon is due to the laser beam when exposed to the water is completely reflected, like the transmission line of optical fiber.

What happens when an egg is caught in the sea?

When we hit an egg in the seabed 20m deep, the surrounding seawater will play the role of eggshell, creating pressure to keep the egg inside intact. The video is provided by the Bermuda Marine Science Institute (BIOS).

The moment the black hole swallowed a star

The video was released by the Goddard Space Research Center of the US Aeronautics Agency (NASA) showing the fate of a star approaching the supermassive black hole and being affected by strong tidal forces. Some star debris flashes at great speed while the rest falls into the black hole, creating a high-energy X-ray light.

How the baby's face forms in the womb

The BBC's Inside the Human Body series reveals an interesting picture of the face formation in the mother's womb, from an original ugly cavity until a nose, mouth and finally is the complete face.

The power of explosions on the Sun.

A solar flare could release the energy equivalent of millions of 100 megaton atomic bombs exploding at the same time. For ease of comparison, the Fat Man American atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki city, Japan in 1945 only about 21 kiloton strong (equivalent to 21,000 tons of TNT explosive).

Cats always land on 4 feet

The flexible skeleton and the ability to rotate the talented person help the cat to always land with 4 feet no matter how fallen.

Release heavy objects and feathers in a vacuum

Under normal conditions, balls and feathers fall freely to the ground at different speeds because of air resistance. However, when released from the same height in vacuum chamber conditions, they will fall at the same time.

Turn liquid water into ice immediately

According to Business Insider, water can instantly turn into ice through a process called "water magic". Users Grant Thompson shared the video tutorial on Youtube channel, which included test results that surprised many people and attracted more than 10 million views since posting in 2013.

Grant Thompson freezes pure water at a moderate level. This is done by placing the pure water bottle in the refrigerator, keeping the temperature at -24 degrees Celsius for a period of 2 hours 45 minutes.

Thompson carefully took the bottle of water out of the refrigerator. According to Thompson, two ways to instantly turn liquid water into ice are to gently tap the water bottle wall or pour liquid water directly onto another block of ice.