Li li, the sleeper is not bored

In the wild, the power always belongs to the smart, smart and healthy people. For millions of years, each new species equips itself with a unique, distinctive weapon that no other species has. This weapon is the most effective tool to help them survive. And the loris, the nocturnal mammal, one of the slowest species of mammals, has also equipped its keen eyes to see through the dark night of the deep forest.

>> The "masters" defend in nature

Picture 1 of Li li, the sleeper is not bored Lies are precious and ancient animals in Primates primates. Photo: Bornean

In Vietnam, there are two species of loris of the Nycticebus genus, the large loris Nycticebus coucang and the small loris Nycticebus pygmaeus . The main habitat of these species is primary or secondary green forest. The main food is insects, beetles, fruit trees, tree leaves, bird eggs and young birds in the nest . They live in all forest habitats, including bamboo and shrub hills. . Living alone, quietly, or in groups of 3 - 4, moving gently, moving from one branch to another. During the day, they curled up and slept in the grove.

Moving from tree to tree to find food in the dense forest in the middle of the dark is hard work. With coolie, it is easier to watch because they have big eyes, large opening, which helps to look very good in low light conditions at night. Just a little night light emitted from glowing worms or fireflies is enough for their eyes to magnify the light and see through the dark night. With this innate ability, relatives of the coolies can climb trees, feed easily in the dark.

Most night predators have a sleeping habit to digest food and restore strength to continue the night's journey. According to the concept of folklore, the loris do not dare to look up in the daytime because of their shy nature. Perhaps so, they are also called 'hardworking', or 'shy' children. From a scientific point of view, the loris have large oversized eyes, large openings, which are useful in the dark night but on the contrary, daytime is a torture for them. Large openness causes too much light to enter the eye and if the intensity of the light is too strong it will blind their eyes with white light, unable to see anything. In order to protect the eyes, the loris often hide their eyes in the body, by curling up and looking for dark places, having little light to sleep after a night of hunting, seeking food, looking for a partner in mating season is exhausting.

Picture 2 of Li li, the sleeper is not bored
The big Nycticebus coucang is soft, reddish-brown, and ash-colored vertical and intermittent. Ash-gray chest. Yellowish red belly. Red hips and hind legs. Breeding season is usually from October to December. Each litter gives birth to 1-2 cows. Life expectancy: 12-14 years.
Photo: Nguyen Vu Khoi.

Lies are precious and ancient animals in Primates primates . They have a special place in evolutionary research and adaptation to tree life. On the other hand, they are easy to raise, so they can be bred in zoos. The loris are endangered, especially the large loris Nycticebus coucang, because they are hunted by humans for medicine. Although both species have been included in the Vietnam Red Data Book, they need a strong sense of community in protecting and preserving this rare, timid and cute animal in Vietnam's wild nature.

Picture 3 of Li li, the sleeper is not bored
Small cuffle Nycticebus pygmaeus is soft, brown hair, alternating with silvery white hair. The bridge of the nose has white spots. Along the back of the back, there is a crimson stain. White belly with golden silver. Breeding season in October - 12. Photo: Phung My Trung.