Light pollution - silently threat

According to the World Health Organization, unnecessary light and unreasonable design are considered a form of pollution. And in an increasingly more modern world, this kind of pollution is affecting us silently.

>>>Loss of instinct because of excess light

Imagine that in order to supply every 1000 Kilowatt / hour of electricity, we would have to spend about 940kg of coal or 1.8 barrels of oil.

Meanwhile, according to the New Jersey Astronomical Association, about 30% of the light currently used for outdoor lighting is unreasonable, contributing to increasing the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

This number does not include the amount of mercury released into the environment through mercury vapor lamps, which are commonly used. Burning fossil fuels wastefully has caused the atmosphere to carry an additional amount of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide.

Picture 1 of Light pollution - silently threat
On average each year the waste of light causes damage to the American people
2 million US dollars is equivalent to energy consumption of about 17 billion kilowatt / hour

Just like plants and animals, the human body acts according to a biological clock. Artificial light at night can therefore increase stress and negatively affect human circadian rhythms.

One of the effects is the effect of light pollution on brain production of melatonin, which helps the body maintain normal sleep-wake cycles.

The consequences of this effect are sleep-related disorders, which increase the risk of obesity and chronic medical conditions.

In nature, light pollution can disturb the natural relationship between predators - prey and the reproductive cycle of wildlife.

Light pollution is happening quietly because we have not been aware of its harmful effects. The fact that overexposure can cause more frightening effects is that we cannot see the starry night sky.