Machines replace people with internet access

With the emergence of more and more electronic sensors, smart houses and cards to detect customers' habits and habits, machines will surpass people to become the largest internet access component. Global.

Picture 1 of Machines replace people with internet access

Sketch a smart home designed by Duke University (USA)

In the report entitled The Internet World of Objects, the UN International Communications Association (ITU) drew the perspective of the next phase of the technical revolution. Accordingly, the internet helps connect people with electronic devices, inanimate objects and database parts. There are about 875 million people accessing the internet globally and this figure could double if people are still the main target users. However, experts predict that within the next few decades, the number of internet operators will increase even more, of which the largest users are immobile objects.

World remote control

In the near future, people do not need to turn on the computer and access the internet like today. Scientists are working on creating smart devices and networks that allow objects to "dialogue" with each other to serve human interests.

Currently, the market has appeared remote control home appliances and the first car models with shockproof sensors installed. Cell phones replace train tickets while meat imported from as far away as Namibia to Africa or goods sold at Wal-Mart supermarkets are easily monitored thanks to electronic cards. .

ITU scientists look even further. They are working on creating machines that can communicate with each other, most notably devices like refrigerators that can "communicate" independently with fruit and vegetable shops, "talking" washing machines with pants. The shirt or electronic card is implanted under the skin of the "contact" with medical devices and pens, directly connected to the internet.
Industrial products will automatically work without human intervention. New electronic sensor devices can collect data from the surrounding environment, issue commands and in some cases replace human senses. Smart door handles are a concrete example. This is the type of door handle that can identify members living in the house, open the door when the owner goes shopping with furniture on hand or sign the parcel when the owner is away. It can also let the dog in the house run out to the toilet but not let the other dog drag another dog into the house. The landline phone automatically answers the phone on your behalf, measures the importance of the call and decides to transfer the call to the owner if necessary by "asking" the item nearest you to let you know.

A new virtual world

This trend is fueled by the development of technology, in which electronic tags are identified by radio frequency (RFID) which allows immediate identification and monitoring, even detection of bacteria, Smart devices and nano technology. In this way, the virtual world can arrange the real world, whereby every object in the physical environment of a human has a "identity card" or a passport in cyberspace. The plan to manufacture RFID tags to replace people's personal papers, tracing the shopping habits of customers without disturbing that individual was also outlined. This promises to bring many opportunities for outstanding economic development. However, the scientific community also warns of great difficulties and challenges such as protecting personal data and information as well as the battle between common technical standards.

Thuy Mien ( AFP )