Marvel at the mighty universe

The following photos will make you rethink your existence, is this kind of person the only creature in the universe?

Just stop, compare one you will realize how small we humans are compared to the earth, each of us is just a tiny tiny spot in this giant green planet. But even the Earth is not as big as we thought and the following photos will prove it. And are people really lonely in the universe?

Picture 1 of Marvel at the mighty universe
This is the earth, our home.

Picture 2 of Marvel at the mighty universe
It is the third planet from the sun.

Picture 3 of Marvel at the mighty universe
This is the distance from the Earth to the Moon.

Picture 4 of Marvel at the mighty universe
And it is possible to fit all the planets in the solar system between the Earth and the Moon.

Picture 5 of Marvel at the mighty universe
There is a small green spot, considered as North America of Jupiter.

Picture 6 of Marvel at the mighty universe
It is possible to fit 6 earths into Jupiter's belt.

Picture 7 of Marvel at the mighty universe
The belt will look like this when viewed from the earth, if we also have one.

Picture 8 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Comets compare to Los Angeles city.

Picture 9 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Planets in the solar system compare with the sun.

Picture 10 of Marvel at the mighty universe
The Earth will look like this when viewed from the moon.

Picture 11 of Marvel at the mighty universe
The Earth compares to the sun.

Picture 12 of Marvel at the mighty universe
The sun will look like this, when viewed from Mars.

Picture 13 of Marvel at the mighty universe
There are many stars in the universe, more than all the grains of sand on all the beaches on the earth.

Picture 14 of Marvel at the mighty universe
And there are many stars like this, many times bigger than the Sun.

Picture 15 of Marvel at the mighty universe
But no star can compare the size with the Galaxy.If the Sun is considered a blood cell, then the Milky Way will be as big as the United States.

Picture 16 of Marvel at the mighty universe
This is the position of the Earth in the Milky Way Galaxy.

Picture 17 of Marvel at the mighty universe
All the stars that we see every night, just lie neatly in the golden circle here.

Picture 18 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Even our Milky Way galaxy is very small compared to some other galaxies.This is a picture comparing our galaxy to the galaxy IC 1011. 350 million light-years from Earth.

Picture 19 of Marvel at the mighty universe
You can imagine, in a picture like this, taken by the Hubble telescope, there were dozens of galaxies, and each of those galaxies contained millions of stars, and that star lip had one. a series of acts flying around, like our solar system.

Picture 20 of Marvel at the mighty universe
One of those galaxies, the UDF 423 galaxy is 10 billion light-years away from our planet.Do you understand what that means?That means it takes 10 billion years to go from Earth to UDF 423. Basically, this image we are seeing is an image from the past, 10 billion years ago.

Picture 21 of Marvel at the mighty universe
But remember, that picture is just a very small part of the universe.It was like a tiny piece of the night sky.

Picture 22 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Earth's orbit compares with the star's orbit, and the black hole orbit NGC 1277. The black hole is a region of spacetime, where gravity is so strong that no single particle or light can Go into that area and get out.

Picture 23 of Marvel at the mighty universe
This is our planet.

Picture 24 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Reduce it to see the whole solar system.

Picture 25 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Zoom out a bit more, to see other solar systems in the neighborhood.

Picture 26 of Marvel at the mighty universe
And add a bit to see the galaxy system.

Picture 27 of Marvel at the mighty universe
A little more.

Picture 28 of Marvel at the mighty universe
A little more.

Picture 29 of Marvel at the mighty universe
Almost all.

Picture 30 of Marvel at the mighty universe
And here.