Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

Many people have "stood up" to the extreme loveliness of this sea slug. Looking at the picture below, you think, this beautiful creature is a sea sheep or a sea cow?

Strange beauty of the sea snail Costasiella kuroshimae

The answer will make you surprised. The truth is that this cute creature is a sea slug named Scientific Costasiella kuroshimae, found in Japan, Indonesia and the Philippines.

Picture 1 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

This is one of the most unique nudibranchs in the world because they eat seaweed and have the ability to self-photosynthesize.

Picture 2 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

Picture 3 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

The sea slug absorbs the genes from seaweed and starts producing chloroplasts to turn sunlight into energy.

Picture 4 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

They just need to eat . only once in their lives and then glide under the sun without starving.

Picture 5 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

The next generation of inherited genes still inherited this gene from their parents (horizontal gene transfer), which caused them to remove the evolutionary limit that took place for thousands of years.

Picture 6 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea

However, the sea slug Costasiella kuroshimae still needs to 'eat' the seaweed to keep the gene from disappearing.

Picture 7 of Marvel at the unimaginable beauty of strange creatures hidden in the sea