Medrol 4mg medicine and how to use it in the treatment of disease

Medrol 4mg is used in the treatment of respiratory infections, arthritis, atopic dermatitis . however in the course of treatment patients need to pay attention to the dose and drug interaction.

Medrol 4mg medicine: Indications, uses and precautions for use

  1. Indications and uses when using Medrol 4mg
  2. Contraindication to Medrol 4mg
  3. Dosage and care when taking Medrol 4mg

Indications and uses when using Medrol 4mg

Picture 1 of Medrol 4mg medicine and how to use it in the treatment of disease
Medrol 4mg is used to effectively treat osteoarthritis.

Medrol 4mg is used to effectively treat osteoarthritis . In addition, the drug is also used in the treatment of diseases of the skin, intestines, stomach, eyes, liver, kidneys, nerves. Specifically the following types of diseases:

  1. Skin diseases such as psoriasis, blistering dermatitis, Herpes, exfoliative dermatitis, seborrheic seborrheic dermatitis, erythematous, erythema multiforme .
  2. Rheumatism disorders in symptoms such as psoriasis arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, post-traumatic osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, osteomal protrusion .
  3. Allergic disorders such as seasonal allergic rhinitis, serum sickness, bronchial asthma, genital allergic dermatitis .
  4. Diseases associated with endocrine disorders such as abnormal adrenal cortex function: primary or secondary adrenocortical insufficiency, increased congenital kidney output. Thyroiditis does not produce pus, manifestations of blood calcium combined with cancer.

Picture 2 of Medrol 4mg medicine and how to use it in the treatment of disease
Medrol is used in the treatment of chronic or severe acute inflammation and allergy in the eye.

  1. The eye-related diseases , Medrol drug is used in the treatment of chronic or severe acute inflammation and allergy in the eyes such as Herpes Zoster corneal infection, keratitis, precursor inflammation, inflammation of the eye due to allergies, mucositis, iritis - mi .
  2. Respiratory diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis or disseminated pulmonary tuberculosis with appropriate antituberculous chemotherapy, aspiration pneumonia, berylli intoxication .
  3. Hematologic disorders such as blood-soluble reception, thrombocytopenia in adults, leukopenia, congenital hypoplastic anemia (erythroid).
  4. In addition, Medrol 4mg is also used in the treatment of diseases of neurological injury , endocarditis, hypercalcemia due to tumors. Patients treated with systemic red lupus or systemic dermatitis.

Contraindication to Medrol 4mg

Do not use Medrol if you fall into one of the following cases:

  1. Patients with allergies or hypersensitivity to any component of the drug
  2. Patients with diabetes
  3. Patients who are using live or live vaccines reduce virulence
  4. Women who are pregnant or breast-feeding are careful in the course of using drugs
  5. Patients with systemic fungal infection
  6. Patients with cardiovascular disease, stem failure, gastrointestinal ulcers.
  7. Patients with Herpes simplex infection

Dosage and care when taking Medrol 4mg

Medrol 4mg is prescribed in many different forms, for each form of medicine there will be different uses prescribed by the doctor in accordance with each type so as not to appear interactions in the body and side effects or Unexpected reactions.

Picture 3 of Medrol 4mg medicine and how to use it in the treatment of disease
Medrol 4mg is prescribed in many different forms.

  1. Medrol drug prepared in tablet form for oral use should leave the tablet in the mouth and drink plenty of water so that the active ingredients can penetrate in the fastest way, directly impacting on the cause of the disease to effectively remove .
  2. Medrol drugs in the form of infusion need to be prescribed and performed by doctors and nurses. Patients should not arbitrarily inject at home. In cases where patients are children and older people, there is a need for follow-up after oral administration or infusion during treatment to promptly handle possible bad cases.

However, according to doctors, Medrol should use oral rather than other routes . Depending on the condition, it can be used from 4 to 48 mg / day, in cases of less serious disease, the drug is usually used at lower doses.

For the initial daily dose should be maintained or adjusted until the disease is cured, after the treatment period that the disease is not cured, the drug should be stopped.

The high daily dose prescribed for Medrol conditions such as disease siege and organ transplant - 7 mg / kg, multiple sclerosis - 200 mg, cerebral edema 200 - 1000 mg. If after a sufficient time of satisfactory response to the drug is not received, the drug should be stopped and sought replacement therapy.

The dose of Medrol for children is determined depending on body weight or surface area. For example, the daily dose of adrenal gland is 0.18 mg / kg or 3.33 mg / m 2 divided into 3 times / day.

In order to effectively use the patient, a doctor's instruction is required to avoid the danger to the body during treatment.

Note: Information on drugs and brand names on Website is for reference only. Consult your doctor before deciding to treat any medicine to bring about good and safe effects for your health.

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