Mixing alcohol with energy drinks is easy to cause alcoholism

Experts from the Center for Aging, Health and Happiness at the Australian National University said that mixing alcohol with energy drinks not only makes us drink more but also affects behavior.

Picture 1 of Mixing alcohol with energy drinks is easy to cause alcoholism

The study, led by Dr. Rebecca McKetin, invited 75 people (both male and female) between the ages of 18 and 30 to participate in a trial. In it, each person is allowed to try a mixture of vodka mixed with soda or energy drinks and juice. They were also asked to fill out a questionnaire describing feelings before and after drinking.

The results showed that people who received a mixture of alcohol and energy drinks said they wanted to drink more and drink more than those who drank only alcohol. Dr. Rebecca explained: 'Caffeine is a stimulant, can increase the feeling of excitement when drunk. That may be the reason that energy drinks make people drink more alcohol. '

'The real risk of this combination is that people are not drunk, even though they are drunk,' said Dr. Charles O'Brien, a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania (USA). that this is very dangerous when they drive (because they think they are awake) or behave badly due to lack of control of behavior.