Mother giraffe kicked her baby to death because she was fighting a lion

Mother giraffe accidentally broke a child's neck while whirling against the mallets of hungry lions.

Picture 1 of Mother giraffe kicked her baby to death because she was fighting a lion
The female lion aims at the weak and slow-moving giraffe.(Photo: Mike Dexter).

Safari safari guide and South African wildlife photographer Mike Dexter documents the fatal mistake of a mother giraffe during a battle with a lion in Masai Mara, Kenya. In the series of photos of Mike, the mother giraffe panickedly kicked to deal with the female lion but hurting its own child.

Knowing that the newly born giraffe a few hours ago had no chance of surviving the strong kick, the wise lion retreated to a safe distance, waiting for the target to collapse. Witnessing the baby die, the mother giraffe tried to revive but failed. Mother giraffe was forced to leave her child behind, but every 20 meters she looked back at the dying baby.

Picture 2 of Mother giraffe kicked her baby to death because she was fighting a lion
Instead of kicking the female lion, the mother giraffe carelessly let her son get hit.(Photo: Mike Dexter).

Mike spends hours watching the mother and newborn baby giraffe stumble the first steps across the meadow. According to Mike, the giraffe's mother moves quite slowly. The female lion suddenly poked its head out from the tall grass at a distance of 50 m.

"I don't think the lion will find a way to attack because the mature giraffe is famous for the kick of heaven that makes every predator be wary. Perhaps the female lion decided to try his luck," Mike said. will.

Picture 3 of Mother giraffe kicked her baby to death because she was fighting a lion
Giraffe neck lie waiting for death.(Photo: Mike Dexter).

The mother giraffe swung its kicks hard as the female lion approached the baby. The baby giraffe is still alive after receiving a full kick from its mother but broke his neck. After that, the mother giraffe continues to chase the lion but doesn't keep up.

Mike's series of photos reflects the harsh life of African grasslands, including the apparent grief of a mother giraffe when it itself causes child deaths.

  1. Why don't giraffes suffer from vertigo?
  2. Secrets about giraffes