New method of treating cancer, gout, blood pressure

The creation of a new virus, capable of tracing and eliminating cancer cells is one of the most important studies in the field of health recently.

The virus seeks to kill cancer

Picture 1 of New method of treating cancer, gout, blood pressure

British scientists have developed a genetically modified bacterium that can detect and kill cancer. According to the disclosure, the team manipulated the bacteria of the clostridium family and related to C. difficile virus (which is an "opportunistic" pathogen that parasites in the intestine, which can cause diarrhea in humans. , especially developed in the context of patients taking a lot of antibiotics) contains a gene that helps fight tumors.

The researchers' goal is that new genetically modified bacteria will hunt for cancer cells, then release an enzyme that makes them vulnerable to cancer drugs. The virus is still in its early stages of development, but the patent team hopes to begin trials in the next five years.

The ancient gout remedy of China

Scientists are investigating whether an ancient Chinese remedy, called Chuanhu, can reduce the pain caused by gout.

The anti-gout mixture is based on many plant extracts and for many years has been used to treat the disease that causes painful joints. Gout originates from the accumulation of natural uric acid compounds in joints, tendons, muscles and surrounding tissues. The disease most often affects the patient's big toe.

In a new test for nearly 200 patients, expected to be on the way at Qingdao University Hospital (China), half of these volunteers will be given traditional remedies, while the other half taking conventional colchinine medication, which is extracted from the cyanobacteria (autumn crocus).

The course of treatment will take place for 10 days, after which the research team will evaluate the progression of the symptoms.

High blood sugar beet bread

Picture 2 of New method of treating cancer, gout, blood pressure

Scientists at the University of Reading (UK) have sent half of volunteers to eat bread made from 100g sugar beets and the other half eat regular bread. They measured the blood pressure of these people three hours later and found that those who ate beetroot bread had minimal blood pressure (also known as diastolic blood pressure - blood pressure in the middle arteries. two heart beats) 7 points lower than the comparison group.

Researchers have decided to scramble sugar beets with bread after previous work revealed that sugar beets can lower blood pressure. This effect is believed to be due to sugar beets that contain high levels of nitrate, which help to expand blood vessels.