Prohibited areas on Mars

Some special areas on Mars become a no-go zone for future adventurers or robots.

If we want to explore Mars, we need to be sure not to infect the planet of Earth-based bacteria, according to IFL Science. Most areas of Mars have a harsh environment for life on Earth. However, in some places, bacteria accompanying the spacecraft survived, leading to false detection of life on the red planet in the future.

Scientists came up with the idea of "Special Areas". According to the Space Research Commission's (COSPAR) 2008 Planetary Protection Policy, these are areas where Earth creatures can proliferate or high potential sites exist. live on Mars.

Picture 1 of Prohibited areas on Mars
It is difficult for creatures to survive on the barren surface of Mars.(Photo: NASA).

In 2016, this definition is updated to become clearer.Area In particular, an area with a water activity level of 0.5 to 1. In addition, the temperature must be warm enough to support terrestrial organisms, about -25 ° C. or higher.

"We have not yet identified a Special Area on Mars. We have defined them but have not yet found them," said John Rummel of the University of East Carolina, USA.

If the Special Area on Mars exists, scientists need to clean up the spacecraft before exploring the planet to destroy Earth bacteria. Currently, modern technology can disinfect spacecraft quite well, but there is still the possibility of bacteria remaining and being taken to Mars.

Some scientists believe that at some point in the past, Mars was once a planet full of vitality and warmth like Earth today. Volcanic activity plays an important role in the circulation of the atmosphere. The hot core helps Mars maintain the magnetic field, protecting the planet from the effects of the solar wind. But then the core cooled, all magnetic fields disappeared, the air became thin and the Martian environment gradually became harsh, unsuitable for life.