Russia can 'kill' the Earth

World scientists predict Russia will have a big error in the death of the Earth if no timely and effective measures can be found.

Humans are seriously threatened by methane emissions, which Siberia has enormous reserves. That dangerous gas will cover the entire planet and bring the world to the end of the world. Russian and American experts are the first to worry about this.

Picture 1 of Russia can 'kill' the Earth
When methane burns out from gas leaks that prohibit fire.

Billions of billions of tons of methane are lying still in the mine under frozen mud in West Siberia. The past decade ice has begun to melt, even in areas that are now known as the "permafrost" .

The methane gas is ' locked up ' under those layers of ice that will " squeeze" : through the gaps to escape. Every year about 4 million tons of methane enter the atmosphere.

Methane is a gas that affects up to 25 times the greenhouse effect of carbon dioxide. The higher its content in the air, the more melted ice will melt and the greater the amount of gas released.

10,000 years ago in these regions, mammoths froze and were buried under thick ice, so much so that their flesh was as fresh as marinated frozen from the refrigerator.

Over the past half century, Siberia's average temperature has increased by 3 degrees Celsius . In the coming decades, big floods will threaten coastal cities. They will destroy the agricultural sector and make salty freshwater.

Natural gas that makes Russia's wealth today, making a major contribution to the national budget is becoming an urgent, urgent need for scientists to come up with timely and effective measures. . If not, in a visual way, Siberian methane gas fields will be " timed bombs " to destroy Earth.

However, there is not enough data to calculate exactly how long ' G hour ' is, but this is a warning for scientists to focus on finding a solution .