Stephen Hawking: 'Humanity has 1000 years to escape Earth'

People will not exist without finding a way to get rid of this "fragile" planet of us in the next 1000 years.

It is a new forecast by renowned British physicist Stephen Hawking given during a speech during a visit to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles (USA).

Picture 1 of Stephen Hawking: 'Humanity has 1000 years to escape Earth'
Stephen Hawking warned of the danger of human extinction in the next few centuries.

The 71-year-old scientist called for continued exploration of the space to ensure the future of humanity is facing the risk of extinction if there is no way to escape the Earth in the next 1000 years - the Belfast Telegraph reported know.

"We must continue to enter space because of humanity. If we understand how the universe works, we should control it that way. We will not survive for another 1,000 years without escaping their fragile planet. I " - Professor Hawking said.

Space exploration programs are staggering because of the global financial crisis and austerity policies. Especially NASA's planetary science budget, which is considered extremely important in searching for evacuation planets, has been cut by $ 300 million this year.

However, up to this point, the race to explore Mars has not yet been abandoned. On Monday, NASA concluded from the findings of Curiosity Rover, Mars is gradually moving to a cooler state after losing a large part of its original atmosphere.

Picture 2 of Stephen Hawking: 'Humanity has 1000 years to escape Earth'
Stephen Hawking experiences the feeling of space travel on one
The aircraft is set in weightless situation.

Russia, in turn, signed an agreement with the European Space Agency to become an official partner in the ExoMars project, a new attempt to find life on Mars and then carry out its mission. Self-propelled vehicles have people up here. In 2010 and 2011, the Mars-500 was tested in Moscow: a group of six volunteers were locked inside a 250-day simulated spaceship - the time needed to make the trip circumnavigate this planet.

Returning to the story at the Los Angeles Medical Center, Professor Hawking visited the stem cell laboratory, which is focusing on trying to slow the development of Lou Gehrig's disease, also known as fibrosis. stiffened muscle atrophy. The disease in which today's medicine still hinders neurons in the brain and spinal cord leading to Mr. Hawking's muscular atrophy for the past 50 years.

Although Hawking could not walk and speak normally, Hawking still did not give up his desire to live. He devoted his entire time to the cosmic decoding career, studying black holes and their origins. He also introduced his esoteric physics concepts to the public through books including the 1988 "History of Time" , which sold 10 million copies worldwide.