Stunned the face of the prehistoric girl 40,000 years ago was first made

The prehistoric girl who died 40,000 years ago recreated her face with DNA from her finger.

The face of a girl who died 40,000 years ago in Siberia has been revealed for the first time. A 3D printed model and portrait of prehistoric Denisovan was revealed in a new study published in the journal Cell. The Vikings became extinct about 15,000 years ago and much of the information about the Vikings remains a mystery.

Picture 1 of Stunned the face of the prehistoric girl 40,000 years ago was first made
The face of a prehistoric girl who died 40,000 years ago in Siberia is recreated by DNA from her fingers.

But in 2010, the girl's fingers were recovered with DNA containing invaluable information.

Thanks to modern technology, scientists were able to recreate the face of the Vikings with 85% accuracy. The girl has a low forehead, large nose and wide jaw - just like Neanderthals .

"I expected the Viking characteristics to resemble those of the Neanderthals, just because the Neanderthals were their closest relatives," said David Gokhman, lead author of the study . several different characteristics ".

Researchers have made the reengineering by looking at how genetics affect physical characteristics.

Picture 2 of Stunned the face of the prehistoric girl 40,000 years ago was first made
3D printing model.

When they tested the method with chimpanzees, it predicted the trait 85% of the time. " There are many different classes that make up our genomes , " added Stanford University geneticist.

"We have the DNA sequence, where our genes are encoded. " Then, on top of that, there are layers that regulate which genes are activated or deactivated, and in which tissue. "

Gokhman said: "The only real test of our prediction was finding many Viking bones and matching them."

This came after it found DNA from a tribe in Papua New Guinea that was up to 5% compared to Denisovan.

And scientists have found the body of a 13-year-old hybrid girl born from a Neanderthal mother and a Viking father.

  1. The face of a real person thousands of years ago, "every millimeter" made many people cheated
  2. Reconstructing the face of people 7 million years ago