Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015

Planet with 'hidden' life near Earth, how long life on earth exists, detects aliens' messages, 3 "mysterious roads" under the sea, magic tricks " David Copperfield's couple who are still alive "are the most interesting news for readers in the past week.

Good news for the week

1. "Shocking" findings about your body

Picture 1 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015
His face is full of . spiders

Over the centuries, humanity has not been able to confirm the discovery of the secret of the human body. And indeed, below are the 'shocking ' discoveries on the body that no one would have expected. The face is full of "spiders" , detecting new parts in the knee, finding stem cells in human teeth . are new findings about the human body. See details here.

2. Detect a living planet that lurks near the Earth

Picture 2 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015
The planet region can carry life not far from the Sun.

Recently, astronomers have found the planet capable of creating living conditions for extraterrestrial organisms. These two planets are about 4.3 light years from Earth, equivalent to about 40.6 trillion kilometers. See details here.

3. 7 most mysterious photos in the world

Picture 3 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015
This photo was taken in 1941 at the South Forks Bridge, Gold Bridge, Canada.The strange thing is that while the entire 40s fashioned crowd appeared a man (3rd, 1st row on the right) in extremely modern costumes including t-shirts and cardigan, wearing glasses shady and carrying an extremely modern camera in front of his chest.His camera is also very different from the one that another man held above.Therefore, many people believe that this strange dressed man is a time traveler.

These are mysterious images, containing strange stories and so far have not determined the authenticity of these works. See details here.

4. How long will life on Earth last?

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If the Earth's core cools, the magnetic field no longer exists, the atmosphere will disappear.(Photo: Alamy)

Fossil evidence suggests that Earth formed about 3.5 billion years ago, but the question is how long it will last and what factors can erase all life. See details here.

5. Decode national secret projects about UFOs

Picture 5 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015
America is a country that has implemented many UFO research projects.

The US and the Soviet Union have carried out many UFO research projects, which were projects classified as national secrets. See details here

6. Discover the mysterious message of the aliens

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The Parkes telescope in Australia has detected FRB pulses.(Photo: Corbis)

Astronomers have discovered a series of mysterious pulse signals that originate outside our solar system and form a strange, unexplainable form.

So far only 10 impulse signs, such as fast radio bursts (FRB) , have been discovered. Astronomers are still not clear what they are. See details here.

7. 3 "mysterious roads" under the sea

Picture 7 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015
Hon Ba is the place where this strange phenomenon is believed to occur

This strange phenomenon only appears when the tide recedes, the deep hidden roads in the sea appear as in legend creating spectacular spectacle. See details here.

8. Secrets of magic tricks "cutting the couple who still live" by David Copperfield

Picture 8 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015

David Copperfield is the first magician to be honored permanently at Walk of Fame in Los Angeles (USA) and is dubbed the "modern wizard." See details here.

9. Learn to do magic with David Copperfield

Picture 9 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015

Watch the video here to see David Copperfield perform a magic trick that even a new person can do in a few minutes.

10. The best lies for April Fool's Day

Picture 10 of Summary of hot news on April 1, 2015

April Fool's Day, also known as a lie day, is a fun, engaging festival for mischievous and humorous people. April 1 is the day to be noticed in many countries, the day after the old custom, friends often play jokes. Some good and funny lies below are always used by people to tease friends and relatives to bring laughter after stressful working hours. See details here.