Summary of the best news of November 5

The story strayed into the underground world of the 5-year-old boy, the knocking of a door outside the spacecraft that the Chinese astronaut was puzzled, the 17-year-old underground hideout was a specialty in Vietnam, what happened You press the button to flush the toilet on the plane . are the most interesting news of the past week.

Picture 1 of Summary of the best news of November 5
The story strayed into the underground world of the 5-year-old boy, confusing the scientists.See details here .

Picture 2 of Summary of the best news of November 5
God does not create the universe and "Big Bang" is the inevitable result of the laws of physics - the outstanding British theoretical physicist, Stephen Hawking, has discussed so in a newly published book of meSee details here .

Picture 3 of Summary of the best news of November 5
What happens when you press the toilet flush button on the plane?Where will waste go?And the history of the toilet on the aircraft will also surprise you.See details here .

Picture 4 of Summary of the best news of November 5
Some incredible and unbelievable events have happened in history, making scientists unable to decipher them.See details here .

Picture 5 of Summary of the best news of November 5
Scientists are preparing to experiment to prove that our entire understanding so far about the universe is completely wrong.See details here .

Picture 6 of Summary of the best news of November 5
Italian geologist Luigi Piccardi thinks he can explain the mystery of the Loch Ness monster, Scotland.See details here .

Picture 7 of Summary of the best news of November 5
The top engineers at the University of Alaska, USA, believe that the fires inside the 47-story skyscraper - also known as the Seven Towers, are not the cause of this building collapsing.See details here .

Picture 8 of Summary of the best news of November 5
An incredible but extremely interesting thing is that the famous Cleopatra Queen of Egypt is Greek.See details here .

Picture 9 of Summary of the best news of November 5
Sounds like "hammering on iron buckets" made China's first astronaut to fly to space feel very confused and worried.See details here .

Picture 10 of Summary of the best news of November 5
The insect hides 17 years underground, hated and feared by Americans, but it is considered a specialty in Vietnam.See details here .