Superman will be born in the next 30 years

A genetically modified superhuman generation like the Hollywood movie "X-Men" may appear on Earth around 2045, a defense ministry advisory board said.

According to the Department of Development Concepts and Concepts (DCDC) of the British Ministry of Defense, advances in gene technology can help people gain mutant powers like mutants Wolverine, Cyclops and Storm in comic series and hit movies.

However, the agency warns that biological advances not shared equally in society could lead to 'genetic inequality'.

Picture 1 of Superman will be born in the next 30 years
The Ministry of Defense advisers experts predict, mutant genes
supernatural power will appear on Earth for 30 years. (Photo: Daily Mail)

The DCDC Center held a two-day conference last summer, bringing together government experts, industry representatives and British universities. The content of the conference to predict what will happen in the future was later announced as required by The Sun's freedom of information.

Experts generally say: 'Advances in gene technology could lead to the emergence of a genetically modified super class in 2045. Human power seems to increase in the next 30 years. . The discussions emphasized the possibility that advances in biology, when not shared equally in society, could give rise to genetic inequality '.

'X-Men' is a group of mutant superheroes created by pen writer Stan Lee and painter Jack Kirby and released for the first time in the Marvel comics series in 1963.

In the story, mutants have used their power for the benefit of mankind, despite an anti-mutant prejudice that has increasingly spread among humans.

Part of the popular comic series has been adapted into a series of successful science fiction films, including Hugh Jackman playing Wolverine, Halle Berry as Storm, Ian McKellan playing Magneto and Patrick Stewart as Church teachers. monk X.