Ten strange planets of the universe

The largest, densest, smallest planet, the hail planet, the closest to the earth, the most dusk, the hottest, the oldest . are the strangest planets of the universe that humans have discovered. .

1. The most dense planet discovered in 2008. COROT-exo-3b is currently the largest and most dense planet ever discovered - twice as dense. Its size is roughly the size of Jupiter, but more than 20 times heavier than Jupiter, having 20 times the mass of Jupiter.

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This is an interesting thing that scientists continue to explore. Do not exclude the possibility that this may be a brown dwarf.

2. The smallest planet is Kepler 10b , with a diameter about 1.4 times larger than Earth and 4.6 times more in volume. Kepler-10b is one of 500 alien planets that exist in the universe.

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3. Most veteran planet: Gliese 581 e was once thought to be the smallest planet in the universe and now it is said to be the "veteran" planet of the universe.

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4. Largest planet : "Giant ball" is 20 times larger than Earth and 1.7 times more than Jupiter - TrES-4 - is known as the largest planet in the solar system. TrES-4 is mainly composed of hydrogen and it seems that no life exists on it.

The TrES-4 is also a " strangest planet " because it is extremely light and covers the planet as a thick layer of wood mulch with a weight of only about 0.2 grams / cm3.

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5. The closest planet to Earth: 10.5 light-years away from Earth, the planet Epsilon Eridani b is said to be the closest neighbor to our earth.

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6. The only planet with hail: 500 light-years from Earth in the constellation Monoceros , the planet CoRoT- 7b opposite the star with a burning temperature - 4000 degrees F (2000 degrees C) - is the planet The first stone was discovered outside the solar system with hail.

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7. The most dazzling planet: Tatooine , Luke Skywalker's homeland planet in the Star Wars movie has two suns and this is the only planet called astronomical binary stars .

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8. The hottest planet: It is WASP-12B, planetary gas, weighing 1.5 times and nearly twice the size of Jupiter.

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The hottest planet discovered in February 2010, has a temperature of about 2,250 degrees Celsius (half the temperature on the Sun). Its distance from the parent star is only about 2% of the distance between the Earth and the Sun. This 'super hot' planet is 871 light years from our Earth.

9. Planet "Super Earth": Called 55Cnc e, located about 42 light-years from Earth, has an area twice as large and weighs eight times the Earth. Astronomers call this the "super Earth" planet.

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10. The oldest planet was born 12.7 billion years ago, located 5,600 light-years from Earth. Scientists say this is the planet formed about 2 billion years after the Big Bang and is now the oldest planet in the universe.

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