The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

Deep meditation and embalming, replacing blood, injecting mouse testicles into the body . are the methods that the ancient people believed could help immortal people.

Let's find out what ancient people believe will help them become immortal

Many of us always carry a dream that is forever young and immortal. Many of the methods offered and "advertised" will help you become immortal.

1. The medicine made from guinea pig's testicles

Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard (1817-1894) was a learned physiologist, neurologist, but at the end of his life he destroyed his own scientific reputation when searching for immortality. Accordingly, he injected himself into the compound extracted from the testicles of guinea-pigs and dogs because he believed it was a rejuvenating medicine.

Picture 1 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality
Charles-Édouard Brown-Séquard has invented immortal pharmaceutical gods from testicles of guinea-pigs and dogs.

Believing that he had discovered the real longevity drug, Brown-Séquard gave his formula for free to many other scientists. Some people still think it is a miraculous substance, while others feel 'breathless' whenever they hear it.

At least one death was recorded from the Brown-Séquard elixir , which is probably not even known to users.

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Pud Galvin - a talented pitcher who used this medicine.

The most famous Brown-Sequard medicine user is probably Pud Galvin - a talented pitcher, who is also a pioneer in taking drugs to boost his athletic performance. Galvin said that injecting drugs helped him play better but it certainly did not immortalize him.

2. Deep meditation and mummification

One of the methods that the ancients believed to be immortal was to embalm their own body. This mummification is performed by the monks of the esoteric Shingon monastery in Japan 1,000 years ago.

Picture 3 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

First, performers undergo a nut-only, fruit and berries diet for 1,000 days while combining hard work. Next, 1,000 days only eat roots and bark to consume water in the body.

In the third phase, the monk will drink a poisonous tea made from varnish or turpentine . This tea will cause vomiting and dehydration in the body. However, it is also a very good preservative that prevents insects and fungi from destroying the body after death.

Picture 4 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

Finally, after many days of suffering, the monk will lock himself into a stone tomb and meditate until he dies. The ancients also made a statue to cover the monk's body after his death.

Often monks after embalming themselves will not be considered 'dead' but fall into deep meditation . Many people believe that those who have deep meditation will stay in that state for billions of years, then they will relive with an intact body.

3. Replace blood to longevity

Alexander Bogdanov (1873 - 1928) was an outstanding person, he was known as a pioneer of artistic reform and laid the foundation for a system of the former Soviet Union's theoretical system.

Picture 5 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

He believes that blood transfusions will make people feel better and live longer . He himself had a blood transfusion many times and after each time, he found himself healthy again.

However, at the last blood transfusion of his life, blood was passed to his grandfather by a student with malaria and he died shortly thereafter. The cause of Mr. Bogdanov's death has not been determined to be due to the malaria virus, but the boy who gave him blood was very healthy afterwards.

4. Gold drink maintains beauty

Perhaps everyone has heard about the beauty of Mrs. Diane de Poitiers (1499 - 1566) - the closest person to King Henry II of France. Wishing to keep her beauty beautiful, she always tries her best to find a way to make her younger and more beautiful.

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Ms. Diane de Poitiers used gold as a therapy to immortality.

To maintain her beauty status, Ms. Diane regularly drinks a mixture of gold chloride and diethyl ether solvent to prevent aging . Unfortunately, this compound caused Diane to die slowly and die at the age of 66.

Her hair tests showed that she had chronic gold poisoning. Diane is also not the only woman to go away in her beauty efforts because many people have died because of lead poisoning and arsenic has too much in old makeup.

5. Spirit of mercury

Ancient Chinese emperors said that medicine could increase life expectancy. So many Chinese alchemists have refined the ' immortal drug ' made from mercury , but sadly, patients who take this medicine often die earlier than usual.

Picture 7 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

Qin Shihuang - the famous king in Chinese history who died at the age of 39, was diagnosed with death because he drank mercury. According to archaeologists, this substance exists in the emperor even after burial. This is also one of the reasons for the excavation of the tomb of Qin Shihuang with many difficulties.

Picture 8 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

But Qin Shihuang is not the only king who died by the method of drinking mercury to immortality. There were five Tang emperors who believed in the "medicinal spirit of life " that perished.

Picture 9 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

Emperor Xianzong did not die because of the "magic god" but was assassinated by his own slave because . he could not stand the king's distraction after taking the medicine. Not only that, in 1567, Emperor Minh The also drank mercury to immortality, but eventually he could not survive.

6. Stone witch

Alchemists in China are not the only people who believe that mercury is a major component of longevity.

Westerners have also sought to create a " witch stone " that works to rejuvenate people and make them immortal and formulas given to create this immortal rock that is indispensable. Mercury.

Picture 10 of The ancient methods believe that can help immortality

Of course, heavy exposure to mercury poses a serious danger to their health. For example, Isaac Newton was also deeply concerned about the witch's stone. And after his death, he was diagnosed with many signs of mercury poisoning: tremor, paranoia, severe disorders and insomnia.

Stone witches help immortal people have not seen, only know that, they are agents that many people have to die because of their testing.