The dream indicates illness

Sleep sleep is like the " indicator " of health, it responds immediately to changes in your body. If you dream about yourself walking on dirt and mud, perhaps the problem is related to your feet.

According to Zdorovie magazine, the common colds and flu come in dreams 1-2 days before having obvious symptoms. The more severe illnesses (gastritis, hypertension, cardiovascular disease) appear in dreams before 1-2 months, and especially serious diseases (), 1-2 years before.

There is a logical explanation for this: Dreams can depend on nerve impulses from organs to the brain. Nearly all organs in the body " quiet " when healthy and desperate " alert " when instability begins.

Studies have also shown that, in the early stages of illness, alarm signals are too weak to be noticed. When the body has problems, people start dreaming according to the " theme ": war, quarrel .

Heart disease

You may dream of falling on your head or being fatally wounded in the right heart. The fear of death does not disappear even after suddenly waking up.

Picture 1 of The dream indicates illness
When the body has a problem, people start dreaming according to the " theme ".

Lung disease

You find yourself drowning, choking or stuck in a small window with a miserable situation. Sometimes you feel a terrible weight on your chest, accompanied by a feeling of anxiety and fear.

The disease is thick

Terrifying food, but still forced to eat. When gastritis, you can dream of something disgusting like rotten fish or rotten meat .

Skin disease

In dreams, you see skin damage, with special colors (like blue). You often dreamed of stains on the walls, ceilings like burns, burns, ulcers .

Disease in the spine

You dream that you have to carry heavy heavy objects on your back. You feel like your skin is scratched, burned or other unpleasant sensations in the spine.

Sore throat

You try to pull a red cloth from your throat, swallow the nail . Those scenes are definitely related to the throat.


You dreamed of fighting, fighting, or people trying to tie you down . You tried to free yourself but hopeless.

Neurological problems

Functional neurological disorders are often associated with the dream of repeating a scene in the night, causing feelings of sadness and fear. Or you feel like you're naked, embarrassed, inconvenient and don't know where to hide.

Nervous stimulation associated with the scene of the station, the crowd, the sea. You dream of missing a ship, a car or not doing something. Those who suffer from anxiety or anxiety, panic about war, disaster, are chased .

If dreams like that keep repeating for weeks, months, be cautious and see a doctor.