The female tribe more beautiful face tattoos

Women of two tribes living in Victoria Mountain, west of Myanmar, have a custom of tattooing their faces as a symbol of maturity and beauty.

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Living in the mountains of Chin state, west of Myanmar, women of these tribes considered facial tattoos as a way of beauty.

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Victora Mountain, the highest peak in Chin state, is the Munn's residence and the Dai clan.Both tribes have a unique face tattoo tradition.

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Dai tribal women covered their faces with black dots.Currently, this type of tattoo appears only in older women.

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When a girl reaches puberty (about 12-14 years old), she is considered old enough to be tattooed - a symbol of maturity.

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Tattoos are made of hemp and an ink made from soot, bile of beef, herbs and lard.Some people cover their faces, while some only tattoo some motifs.

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The Munn women have a series of small circles connected, forming a semicircle, tattooed from the cheek to the neck.

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This strange custom originated in the 11th century, when young women tattooed their faces to avoid being enslaved by kings.

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Today the girls of the tribe no longer perform this tradition.

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Italian photographer Marco Giovanelli went to see these women in March and said his notion of beauty changed.

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Giovanelli recounted: "According to legend, an ancient king tried to capture slaves, the original tattoo was against this. The tattoos made women ugly."

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Over time, tattoos have become the norm of beauty, and women are proud of having men's face tattoos.

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Giovanelli said he "never met nice, generous and friendly people than Chin women".

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Many women wear traditional clothes with vivid colors, almost always in their hands.

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The new generation no longer implements this tradition due to prohibition and heavy fines.

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A Dai woman with a face covered with small tattoos.They conceived that the more beautiful the tattoo was.